MessengCenter too Slow

Eduardo Gomez 3,426 Reputation points


When I tried to select a notebook in my notebook app, I Was using this code

public Notebook RecivedSelectedNotebook { get; set; }

         public Note SeletedNote { get; set; }

         public NotesPageViewModel() {

             FabAnimationCommmand = new Command<Frame>(AnimateButtonCommand);

             RecivedSelectedNotebookAccion = (SelectedObject) => {

                 RecivedSelectedNotebook = SelectedObject;
             }; // here I put a breakpoint and I get the RecivedSelectedNotebook object

             Services.ReadAsync(App.Notes, RecivedSelectedNotebook.Id); // here for  some reason RecivedSelectedNotebook is null

Because It was null I change it and used the xamarin messaging center

public NotesPageViewModel() {

        Services =;

        FabAnimationCommmand = new Command<Frame>(AnimateButtonCommand);

        MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MainPageViewModel, Notebook>(this, App.NotebookID, (sender, value) => {
            RecivedSelectedNotebook = value;
            Services.ReadAsync(App.Notes, RecivedSelectedNotebook.Id);

            MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<MainPageViewModel, Notebook>(this, App.NotebookID);

Now the problem is this

Video error:


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Accepted answer
  1. JarvanZhang 23,951 Reputation points

    To improve the performance, try to move to the MessagingCenter.Send before navigation.

    public async virtual void SeletedItemActionAsync()
        if (SelectedNotebook == null)
        await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(notesPage);
        SelectedNotebook = null;

    If it stil doesn't work, try to store the data and then retrive the data in the

    public async virtual void SeletedItemActionAsync()
        if (SelectedNotebook == null)
        Application.Current.Properties["id"] = App.NotebookID;//if the id is global static, you could use it directly
        Application.Current.Properties["selected_object"] = SelectedNotebook;
        await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(notesPage);
        SelectedNotebook = null;
    public NotesPageViewModel()
        Services =;
        FabAnimationCommmand = new Command<Frame>(AnimateButtonCommand);
        if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("id"))
            var selectedObject = Application.Current.Properties["selected_object"] as Notebook;
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1 additional answer

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  1. JarvanZhang 23,951 Reputation points

    Hi, EduardoGomez-1870. To pass the info, you could create a parameterized constructor method for 'NotesPage'. Then pass the notebook id and the selected object when navigating to the 'NotesPage' as below.

    NotesPage notesPage = new NotesPage(App.NotebookID, SelectedNotebook);
    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(notesPage);