Shouldn't you be converting the $pass value into a secure string and using the secure string in the "New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($SFTPUser, $pass)"???
Powershell error
chetan Vishwakarma
Reputation points
Hello ,
I have developed the code for transferring the file to FTP server and send notification and the script is working fine in my local system but if i am executing the same script on server it is throwing error:
$SFTPServer = ""
$SFTPUser = "user"
$Pass = "password"
$SourceFilelocation = "\\SourceServer\Script\FTPTest\Output_Files\"
$BakupFileLocation = "\\SourceServer\Script\FTPTest\Backups\"
$RemoteLocation = "//destinationDirectory/"
$todaysdate=Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd"
$logfilepath = "\\SourceServer\Script\FTPTest\"+$todaysdate+"Powershell.log"
$getDate = Get-Date -Format "MMddyyyy"
$FileName = "GreatwestMasterfile.txt"
$Source1 = $SourceFilelocation+$FileName
$BakupFileName = "GreatwestMasterfile_"+$getdate+".txt"
$BakupFileLocation1 = $BakupFileLocation+$BakupFileName
$RemoteLocation1 = "ftp://"+$SFTPServer+$RemoteLocation+"/"+ $FileName
$EmailSubject = "FTP-greatwest -" + $datetime
function WriteToLogFile ($message)
#Add-content $logfilepath -value $message
(Get-Date).ToString() + "-" + $message >> $logfilepath
function Left
param ($var)
#$var = "%yyahdakls"
if (($var -eq "") -or ($var -eq $null) -or ($var.Length -le 8))
$var = "99-99-99"
$result = $var.SubString(0,8)
$result = $var.SubString(0,8)
function Send-EmailToDBA
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$emailBody,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$emailSubject
$EmailFrom = ""
$EmailTo = ""
#Creating Subject for email
$datetime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss"
$SMTPServer = ""
$mailer = new-object Net.Mail.SMTPclient($smtpserver)
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $EmailSubject, $Emailbody)
} # end of function
$LogMsg = "Validating Source File "+$Source
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
$TestPath = Test-Path $Source1
If($TestPath -eq $true)
$LogMsg = "Validation success "+$Source1
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
#Compress-Archive -Path $Source1 -Update -DestinationPath $DestinationBrokerCompressPath
## {
$LogMsg = "Estabilishing Connection with "+$SFTPServer
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
$ftpuri = $ftp + $subfolder
$uri=[system.URI] $ftpuri
$ftprequest.Credentials=New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($SFTPUser,$pass)
$reader=New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($strm,'UTF-8')
$count = $lines.Count
$LogMsg = "Estabilished Connection with "+$SFTPServer
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
$dateToMatch = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yy"
$LogMsg = "Checking if File already exists on "+$SFTPServer
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
while (($Found -eq 0) -and ($LoopCount -le $count))
$Element = $lines[$count]
if ($Element -like "*GreatwestMasterfile.txt*")
$ElementDate = left -var $Element
$count -= 1;
if (($Found -eq 0) -or (($Found -eq 1) -and ($ElementDate -ne $dateToMatch)))
$LogMsg = "Uploading File on "+$SFTPServer
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
# ** TODO Put all code to FTP here**
$ftprequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::Create("$RemoteLocation1")
$ftprequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]$ftprequest
$ftprequest.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile
$ftprequest.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($SFTPUser, $Pass)
$ftprequest.UseBinary = $true
$ftprequest.UsePassive = $true
$ftprequest.EnableSsl = $true
$filecontent = gc -en byte $Source1 -Raw
$ftprequest.ContentLength = $filecontent.Length
If(($filecontent.Length -eq 0) -or ($filecontent.Length -eq $null))
Write-Host "Uploading EmptyFile"
$run = $ftprequest.GetRequestStream()
Write-Host "GetRequestStream Test"
$run.Write('', 0, $filecontent.Length)
Write-Host "Uploaded Not EmptyFile"
Write-Host "Uploading Not EmptyFile"
$run = $ftprequest.GetRequestStream()
$run.Write($filecontent, 0, $filecontent.Length)
Write-Host "Uploaded Not EmptyFile"
#$run = $ftprequest.GetRequestStream()
#$run.Write($filecontent, 0, $filecontent.Length)
#$FTPResponse = $FTPRequest.GetResponse()
$LogMsg = "Moving File from "+$Source1 +" To "+$BakupFileLocation1
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
Move-Item -Path $Source1 -Destination $BakupFileLocation1 -Force
$LogMsg = "File Moved to Backup folder "+$BakupFileLocation1
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]
$LogMsg = "File Does not exist to Move to Backup Folder - "+$Source1
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]
$LogMsg = "Backup Directory not found - "+$BakupFileLocation1
WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg
$CheckFile = "File : "+ $FileName +" - File has been uploaded on -"+$SFTPServer
WriteToLogFile $CheckFile
Send-EmailToDBA -EmailBody $CheckFile -EmailSubject $EmailSubject
Clear-Variable -Name "CheckFile"
# Do not FTP
# ** TODO Put in error code here **
$CheckFile = "File :"+$FileName+" - is already exists on FTF Location - Not Uploaded."+$SFTPServer;
WriteToLogFile $CheckFile
Send-EmailToDBA -EmailBody $CheckFile -EmailSubject $EmailSubject
Clear-Variable -Name "CheckFile"
#catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]
# {
# $LogMsg = "Unable to Estabilish connection from FTP Server- Make sure Password and remote Location is correct - " +$SFTPServer
# WriteToLogFile $LogMsg
# }
$CheckFile = "File :"+$FileName+" - Does not exists on Local path - Not Uploaded."+$SFTPServer;
WriteToLogFile $CheckFile
Send-EmailToDBA -EmailBody $CheckFile -EmailSubject $EmailSubject
Clear-Variable -Name "CheckFile"
Here is the error :
2 answers
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chetan Vishwakarma 146 Reputation points
2022-02-04T11:53:10.177+00:00 Fixed the isssue : here is the comment i have added for modified code : #Added this to fix
$SFTPServer = "" $SFTPUser = "user" $Pass = "password" $SourceFilelocation = "\\SourceServer\Script\FTPTest\Output_Files\" $BakupFileLocation = "\\SourceServer\Script\FTPTest\Backups\" $RemoteLocation = "//destinationDirectory/" $todaysdate=Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd" $logfilepath = "\\SourceServer\Script\FTPTest\"+$todaysdate+"Powershell.log" $getDate = Get-Date -Format "MMddyyyy" $FileName = "GreatwestMasterfile.txt" $Source1 = $SourceFilelocation+$FileName $BakupFileName = "GreatwestMasterfile_"+$getdate+".txt" $BakupFileLocation1 = $BakupFileLocation+$BakupFileName $RemoteLocation1 = "ftp://"+$SFTPServer+$RemoteLocation+"/"+ $FileName $EmailSubject = "FTP-greatwest -" + $datetime function WriteToLogFile ($message) { #Add-content $logfilepath -value $message (Get-Date).ToString() + "-" + $message >> $logfilepath } function Left { param ($var) #$var = "%yyahdakls" if (($var -eq "") -or ($var -eq $null) -or ($var.Length -le 8)) { $var = "99-99-99" $result = $var.SubString(0,8) $result } else { $result = $var.SubString(0,8) $result } } function Send-EmailToDBA { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$emailBody, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$emailSubject ) $EmailFrom = "" $EmailTo = "" #Creating Subject for email $datetime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss" $SMTPServer = "" $mailer = new-object Net.Mail.SMTPclient($smtpserver) $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $EmailSubject, $Emailbody) $mailer.send($msg) } # end of function $LogMsg = "Validating Source File "+$Source WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg $TestPath = Test-Path $Source1 If($TestPath -eq $true) { $LogMsg = "Validation success "+$Source1 WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg #Compress-Archive -Path $Source1 -Update -DestinationPath $DestinationBrokerCompressPath ##Try ## { $LogMsg = "Estabilishing Connection with "+$SFTPServer WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg $ftp="ftp://"+$SFTPServer $subfolder=$RemoteLocation $ftpuri = $ftp + $subfolder $uri=[system.URI] $ftpuri $ftprequest=[]::Create($uri) $ftprequest.Credentials=New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($SFTPUser,$pass) $ftprequest.Method=[]::ListDirectoryDetails $response=$ftprequest.GetResponse() $strm=$response.GetResponseStream() $reader=New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($strm,'UTF-8') $list=$reader.ReadToEnd() $lines=$list.Split("`n") $count = $lines.Count $LogMsg = "Estabilished Connection with "+$SFTPServer WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg $dateToMatch = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yy" $Found=0; $LoopCount=0; $LogMsg = "Checking if File already exists on "+$SFTPServer WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg while (($Found -eq 0) -and ($LoopCount -le $count)) { $lines[$count] $Element = $lines[$count] $Element if ($Element -like "*GreatwestMasterfile.txt*") { $Found=1; $ElementDate = left -var $Element } else { $count -= 1; #$LoopCount } } if (($Found -eq 0) -or (($Found -eq 1) -and ($ElementDate -ne $dateToMatch))) { $LogMsg = "Uploading File on "+$SFTPServer WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient #Added this to fix $webclient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($SFTPUser,$pass) #Added this to fix Try { $newUrl= $ftp+'/'+$FileName #Added this to fix $newUrl #Added this to fix $uri = New-Object System.Uri($newUrl) #Added this to fix $webclient.UploadFile($uri, $Source1) #Added this to fix } catch [Exception] { $onNetwork = "0" write-host $_.Exception.Message; } Try { $LogMsg = "Moving File from "+$Source1 +" To "+$BakupFileLocation1 WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg Move-Item -Path $Source1 -Destination $BakupFileLocation1 -Force $LogMsg = "File Moved to Backup folder "+$BakupFileLocation1 WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] { $LogMsg = "File Does not exist to Move to Backup Folder - "+$Source1 WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg } catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException] { $LogMsg = "Backup Directory not found - "+$BakupFileLocation1 WriteToLogFile $LogMsg Clear-Variable -Name LogMsg } $CheckFile = "File : "+ $FileName +" - File has been uploaded on -"+$SFTPServer WriteToLogFile $CheckFile Send-EmailToDBA -EmailBody $CheckFile -EmailSubject $EmailSubject Clear-Variable -Name "CheckFile" } else { # Do not FTP # ** TODO Put in error code here ** $CheckFile = "File :"+$FileName+" - is already exists on FTF Location - Not Uploaded."+$SFTPServer; WriteToLogFile $CheckFile Send-EmailToDBA -EmailBody $CheckFile -EmailSubject $EmailSubject Clear-Variable -Name "CheckFile" } #} #catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] # { # $LogMsg = "Unable to Estabilish connection from FTP Server- Make sure Password and remote Location is correct - " +$SFTPServer # WriteToLogFile $LogMsg # } } else { $CheckFile = "File :"+$FileName+" - Does not exists on Local path - Not Uploaded."+$SFTPServer; WriteToLogFile $CheckFile Send-EmailToDBA -EmailBody $CheckFile -EmailSubject $EmailSubject Clear-Variable -Name "CheckFile" }