This is something I spotted when trying to elevate an application with UAC, without hitting the UAC secure desktop and getting a paused prompt.
It can only work if you can.
1.) open powershell
2.) open cmd
3.) create a shortcut to c:\
4.) Access the run prompt(win+r)
as the user.
Steps I found.
1.) connect to machine with the user on. (this lands as normal session)
2.) using any of the above mechanisms, run this command C:\WINDOWS\system32\runas.exe /user:mydomain\admin C:\windows\system32\quickassist.exe
3.) using the new Quick assist window, create a new session. (your old one will still run, theres no limit it seems on concurrent Host/client connections on this.
4.) the new connection, is in "administrator mode"
5.) run the UAC elevated process you want.
It seems to work on our locked down estate, and we are continuing to test this as a failsafe.