How to create webpart page with specific layout template?

Yuvraj Patil 361 Reputation points

I have a requirement where I need to take backup of webpart page and restore it later if page got deleted. I am able to take the backup of webpart page and webparts of it using LimitedWebPartManager.

While restoring, when I create webpart page using below code, it have layout template similar to FullPage but its zone name is main, only single zone.

List targetList = clientcontext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Site Pages");
var pageTitle = "newPage0101.aspx";
var file = targetList.RootFolder.Files.AddTemplateFile(targetList.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl + "/" + pageTitle, TemplateFileType.StandardPage);

However backed up page have "Header, Footer, 2 Columns, 4 Rows", and would like to create webpart page with same layout template, so could anyone please help here?

I am using CSOM (C#).

Available templates:

Header, Footer, 3 Columns
Full Page, Vertical
Header, Left Column, Body
Header, Right Column, Body
Header, Footer, 2 Columns, 4 Rows
Header, Footer, 4 Columns, Top Row
Left Column, Header, Footer, Top Row, 3 Columns
Right Column, Header, Footer, Top Row, 3 Columns

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SharePoint: A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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  1. RaytheonXie_MSFT 32,476 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Yuvraj Patil ,
    You can refer to the following rest api to create webpart page

    function createWikiPage(webUrl,listTitle,fileName,success, failure)  
         var fileUrl = listUrl + '/' + fileName  
         var url = webUrl + "/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('" + listUrl + "')/Files" +  
                   "/AddTemplateFile(urlOfFile='" + fileUrl + "',templateFileType=1)";  
            url: url,  
            method: "POST",  
            headers: {  
                   "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",  
                   "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",  
                   "X-RequestDigest" : $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()  
            success: function (data) {  
            error: function (data) {  
    function getListUrl(webUrl,listTitle,success, failure)  
        var url = webUrl + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('" + listTitle +  "')/RootFolder";   
            url: url,  
            method: "GET",  
            headers: {  
                   "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",  
                   "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose"  
            success: function (data) {  
            error: function (data) {  

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