Capture desktop by DXGI in Hyper-V Virtual Machine return DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST

Kevyin 1 Reputation point

I created a VM by hyper-v and passthrought a GTX1660s into the VM by DDA(Discrete Device Assignment). The host system and VM system are both WIN10 21H2 version.
It's work well, Dxdiag shows the gpu is OK.

When I capture the desktop by DXGI in the VM, the function AcquireNextFrame() always return DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST.

Interesting! I find that if I play a video on the desktop, I can catch the desktop everytime. But when I minize the vedio and let the desktop be statics , the DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST will make my catching fail.

How can I stably capture the desktop by DXGI?

A Windows technology providing a hypervisor-based virtualization solution enabling customers to consolidate workloads onto a single server.
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  1. ZhengYang Gu 1 Reputation point

    怀疑是折腾安卓子系统的锅。It must be Andriod subsystem's fault.

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