You would not need a second loop for this. At each iteration of the first loop you could build and execute the SQL statement for a 'make table' query restricted to the current Sales_Rep_Number value.
However, I would recommend against creating multiple tables; this encodes data as table names. A fundamental principle of the database relational model is the Information Principle (Codd's Rule #1). This requires that all data be stored as values at column positions in rows in tables, and in no other way. You can easily create a simple query which accepts the Sales_Rep_Number as a parameter, open the query, or more usually a report or form based on the query, to return each sales' reps sales.
If you want to present the data in forms take a look at in my public databases folder at:!169
In this little demo file the section on 'retrieving data from the database' includes, towards the end of the section, an example of how to open multiple instances of a form, each restricted by a separate criterion, which in your case would be a Sales_Rep_Number value.
To present the data in report format, you could simply group a report by Sales_Rep_Number, and set up the report to start a new page for each sales rep, or you could loop through a recordset of sales reps and call the OpenReport method at each iteration of the loop, restricting it by means of the WhereCondition argument.