old (renamed in AD) account credentials still exist on user causing issue with new user created on Azure AD sync

Scott Sorenson 1 Reputation point

Original user TUSER@keyman changed to new username TNewUser@keyman
Azure AD Sync created smtp address of TUSER@keyman .onmicrosoft.com initially (as well as X.500)
Username and Email address changed in AD, and new addresses show up correctly in Azure.
onmicrosoft.com and X.500 not updated (not in AD to update).

New user created at TUSER@keyman and causing sync error / collision with old user account, forcing Azure to create TUSERXXXX@keyman .onmicrosoft.com and throws a sync error.

We only use Azure AD connect/sync. We do not have 360 or hosted / hybrid email.

I have disabled AD sync using power shell. Deleted new user account (and deleted from recycle) waited then re-enabled sync and the same issue occurs.

How can I change those addresses on the old user account to reflect the new name so that the sync does not have an error.

Do I need to stop sync, delete both accounts, and then restart sync? Old user has app rights for b2b w this account, so i prefer not to create an issue by deleting it. Is there another solution?


Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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