I understand that you were unable to restore your old domain controller, but created all of your accounts in a new domain controller and synchronized them to your tenant.
After synchronizing the accounts, the UPNs all have numbers added to firstname.lastname such as
This issue occurs because the users exist in both your on-premises directory and in Azure and you have duplicate UPNs.
- ) Delete the duplicated accounts from Microsoft 365 and make sure that they are removed from the "deleted users" section of the portal. Remove-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName <duplicateaccounts@keyman .com> -RemoveFromRecycleBin
2.) Hard match or soft match the users so that Azure AD Connect knows that they refer to the same user.
There is a very good explanation of hard matching and soft matching here:
The hard match is attempted before the soft match is attempted. If there’s no match, a new user object is created in Azure AD to correspond to the user object in the on-premises Active Directory environment.
Additional resources:
Number added to user names and email addresses when users are synced to Azure AD
Azure AD Connect: When you have an existing tenant
Azure AD Connect - Dealing with incorrectly created users post-sync
Restore deleted Microsoft 365 Hybrid User
Let me know if this helps and don't hesitate to ask if you have further questions.
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