How to Copy Highlighted Text and File Path in Word Using VBA In Windows 10

Alex F 26 Reputation points

This excellent VBA code finds all of the yellow highlighted text in all Word docs within a specified folder or directory:

Sub ExtractHighlightedTextsInSameColorFromMultiDoc()
  Dim objDoc As Document, objDocAdd As Document
  Dim strFile As String, strFolder As String
  Dim objRange As Range

  '  Initialization
  strFolder = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\New folder\"
  strFile = Dir(strFolder & "*.docx", vbNormal)

  Set objDocAdd = Documents.Add

  '  Precess each file in the file folder.
  While strFile <> ""
  Set objDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=strFolder & strFile)

  With Selection
    .HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
    With Selection.Find
      .Highlight = True
      Do While .Execute
        If Selection.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow Then
          Set objRange = Selection.Range
          objDocAdd.Range.InsertAfter objRange & vbCr
          Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
        End If
    End With
  End With

  strFile = Dir()
End Sub

But I would also like the VBA script to copy the file path that the highlighted text was copied from, like this:

Paste highlighted text number 1
Paste file path for document where Highlighted text number 1 was found
Paste highlighted text number 2
Pate file path for document where Highlighted text number 2 was found
Paste highlighted text number 3
Paste file path for document where Highlighted text number 3 was found

How should I revise the script to capture the file paths, as well as highlighted text sections?

Credit for the VBA script above:

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Accepted answer
  1. Viorel 113.4K Reputation points

    Try adding 'objDocAdd.Range.InsertAfter strFolder & strFile & vbCr' after the existing InsertAfter line.

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