Expected release date for Form Recognizer v3.0 public preview to become GA

Jhonatan Ramirez 26 Reputation points

Form Recognizer v3.0 works good also results using this v3.0 are much better than V2.1

Do you have a date when v3.0 will be GA?

Azure AI Document Intelligence
Azure AI Document Intelligence
An Azure service that turns documents into usable data. Previously known as Azure Form Recognizer.
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Accepted answer
  1. YutongTie-MSFT 47,841 Reputation points

    @Jhonatan Ramirez


    I just get confirmation from the pm - We are planning to GA the FR v3.0 in July\Aug 2022 timeframe.

    Hope this helps!


    -Please kindly accept the answer if you feel helpful, thanks.

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