Issue with tab.

Mawu 21 Reputation points

I need some help because, i have an issue with a tab.

Bellow my code i don't have any error when it running.

I want to clarify that in this code i've add variable for you to see it's not empty
We can see the "foreach" workshops correctly but
$tablivemounttemp is empty consequently $tablivemount is null

Write-Host " Récupération des Instant Recovery VM en cours" -ForegroundColor Magenta  
$tablivemount = @()  
$vm_live_mount = Invoke-RubrikRESTCall -Endpoint vmware/vm/snapshot/mount -api 1 -Method GET  
if ($ -eq 0){  
    $tablivemounttemp = @()  
    $tablivemounttemp = New-Object psobject  
    $tablivemounttemp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "DestinationId" -NotePropertyValue "Pas de migration en attente"  
    $tablivemount +=$tablivemounttemp}  
        forEach($LiveMount in ${  
        $DestinationId = ($ |Where-Object {$ -eq $LiveMount.VmId}).name  
        $SourceId = ($ |Where-Object {$ -eq $LiveMount.mountedVmId}).name  
        $mountTimestamp = ([datetime]$LiveMount.mountTimestamp).ToLocalTime().ToString("d/MM/y HH:mm:ss")  
        $snapshotDate = ([datetime]$LiveMount.snapshotDate).ToLocalTime().ToString("d/MM/y HH:mm:ss")  
        $tablivemounttemp = @()  
        $tablivemounttemp = New-Object psobject  
        $tablivemounttemp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "DestinationId" -NotePropertyValue $DestinationId  
        $tablivemounttemp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "SourceId" -NotePropertyValue $SourceId  
        $tablivemounttemp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Datedemontage" -NotePropertyValue $mountTimestamp  
        $tablivemounttemp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Datedusnapshot" -NotePropertyValue $snapshotDate  
        $tablivemount +=$tablivemounttemp}  
$tablivemount | Select-Object DestinationId,SourceId,Datedemontage,Datedusnapshot  
Récupération des Instant Recovery VM en cours  
16/02/22 16:19:36  
15/02/22 19:30:10  
16/02/22 16:19:04  
15/02/22 19:30:10  
DestinationId SourceId Datedemontage Datedusnapshot  
------------- -------- ------------- --------------  

Someone van help me?

Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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Accepted answer
  1. Rich Matheisen 46,551 Reputation points

    Somewhere in your script you've set $tablivemount to be a variable having a type of "string". When you use concatenation (i.e., the "+=") operator PowerShell is using the "ToString" method of the PSCustomObject and concatenating that string to the existing value in $tablivemount.

    Change the definition of that variable to [array]$tablivemount = @() on line 6 of my code example and rerun the code.

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3 additional answers

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  1. Rich Matheisen 46,551 Reputation points

    What version of PowerShell are you using? A long time ago (PowerShell 2) it was necessary to use the "-Passthru" parameter with the "Add-Member" cmdlet.

    This is a slight rewrite of your code. It does the same thing as your code but doesn't use Add-Member. Does it produce the same result?

    Write-Host " Récupération des Instant Recovery VM en cours" -ForegroundColor Magenta
    # Where is $ALLmanagedvm defined?
    $tablivemount = @()
    $vm_live_mount = Invoke-RubrikRESTCall -Endpoint vmware/vm/snapshot/mount -api 1 -Method GET
    if ($ -eq 0) {
        $tablivemount += [PSCustomObject]@{
                            DestinationId = "Pas de migration en attente"
                            SourceId = ""
                            Datedemontage = ""
                            Datedusnapshot = ""
    Else {
        ForEach ($LiveMount in $ {
            $tablivemount += [PSCustomObject]@{
                                DestinationId = ($ | Where-Object { $ -eq $LiveMount.VmId }).name
                                SourceId = ($ | Where-Object { $ -eq $LiveMount.mountedVmId }).name
                                Datedemontage = ([datetime]$LiveMount.mountTimestamp).ToLocalTime().ToString("d/MM/y HH:mm:ss")
                                Datedusnapshot = ([datetime]$LiveMount.snapshotDate).ToLocalTime().ToString("d/MM/y HH:mm:ss")

    Note: I don't see the variable $ALLmanagedvm in your example.

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  2. Mawu 21 Reputation points


    I using powershell 5.

    I've tried your code and it's works

    $tablivemount = @()  
    $vm_live_mount = Invoke-RubrikRESTCall -Endpoint vmware/vm/snapshot/mount -api 1 -Method GET  
    if ($ -eq 0){  
        $tablivemount += [PSCustomObject]@{  
            DestinationId = "Pas de migration en attente"  
            SourceId = ""  
            Datedemontage = ""  
            Datedusnapshot= ""}  
            forEach($LiveMount in ${  
            $tablivemount += [PSCustomObject]@{  
                DestinationId = ($ |Where-Object {$ -eq $LiveMount.VmId}).name  
                SourceId = ($ |Where-Object {$ -eq $LiveMount.mountedVmId}).name  
                Datedemontage = ([datetime]$LiveMount.mountTimestamp).ToLocalTime().ToString("d/MM/y HH:mm:ss")  
                Datedusnapshot= ([datetime]$LiveMount.snapshotDate).ToLocalTime().ToString("d/MM/y HH:mm:ss")  

    The return is :

    @{DestinationId=aaaaa; SourceId=aaaaa; Datedemontage=18/02/22 09:18:37; Datedusnapshot=15/02/22 19:30:10}@{DestinationId=aaaaa; SourceId=bbbbb; Datedemontage=18/02/22 09:19:00; Datedusnapshot=14/02/22 19:33:27}  

    How i can exploit with Format Table ?

    $tablivemount | Select-object DestinationId, SourceId | FT  
    DestinationId SourceId  
    ------------- --------  

    $ALLmanagedvm is declare on another part of this script.

    Just for information I ve also tried my script with -passthru and it return that:

    $tablivemount_temp = @()  
            $tablivemount_temp = New-Object psobject  
            $tablivemount_temp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "DestinationId" -NotePropertyValue $DestinationId -PassThru  
            $tablivemount_temp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "SourceId" -NotePropertyValue $SourceId -PassThru  
            $tablivemount_temp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Datedemontage" -NotePropertyValue $mountTimestamp  
            $tablivemount_temp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Datedusnapshot" -NotePropertyValue $snapshotDate  
            $tablivemount +=$tablivemount_temp}  
    $tablivemount | Select-Object DestinationId, SourceId, Datedemontage, Datedusnapshot  

    it's return

    $tablivemount | Select-Object DestinationId, SourceId, Datedemontage, Datedusnapshot  
    Récupération des Instant Recovery VM en cours  

    If you can explain me what's wrong ?

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  3. Mawu 21 Reputation points


    You're right. when I change definition of my variable the data are put in.
    I get the result like i want :)

    Thank you for helped me

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