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How Can I Create Dynamic Form Creation using C# .Net and Angular JS
I would like to learn something which I am trying to find some resources to learn however I could not find any. I have provided a small version of what I would like to learn
In my previous company, the Front End Developer team created a Form Application using Angular JS which was used for multiple clients. Same code to generate form in C# is used for all client but it varies from client to client is what question to display in the form which was created and controlled using a database but the frontend code was the same for all clients. Controlled means what questions to ask and what type of input box is required for each field and mapping of those fields with question and page (where it needs to show).
Database:(Below Points are Database Tables and its containing item in the table)
A. Form Question (Label Values)
B. Question's Answer Type (Input text box, radio button, check box, etc) and related answers (for example checkbox values) if input type is a radio button, checkbox, drop-down list or any similar.
C. Mapping to Points A and B, PageBreak (if the form is supposed to be in two grids on the same page), and on which page the question is supposed to be displayed (If required more than one page).
D. Storing Inserted/selected answer by customer.
The team used with .Net MVC Framework 4.8 and with AngularJS and Database SQL Server.
Could you please guide or provide some sample videos or any source code if available?
I am very curious to learn this technique and this could help in my career growth.
We can discuss further related to this if required.
Sample Form Image:
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Olaf Helper 43,901 Reputation points