@Rudi Birenbaum Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Forum , Thank you for posting your query here!
To view and copy your storage account access keys or connection string from the Azure portal:
- In the Azure portal, go to your storage account.
- Under Security + networking, select Access keys. Your account access keys appear, as well as the complete connection string for each key.
- Select Show keys to show your access keys and connection strings and to enable buttons to copy the values.
You can also use azure Powershell : To retrieve your account access keys with PowerShell, call the Get-AzStorageAccountKey command.
The following example retrieves the first key. To retrieve the second key, use Value1 instead of Value[0]. Remember to replace the placeholder values in brackets with your own values.
$storageAccountKey = `
-ResourceGroupName <resource-group> `
-Name <storage-account>).Value[0]
If the issue still persist, please share the screenshot of the issues.
Please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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wherever the information provided helps you, this can be beneficial to other community members.