Hello @Alberto Fdz Vqz RELOGABLE ,
As I understand, you want to receive data from your Sigfox device and respond with an acknowledgement when requested in the Bidir data callback ("ack": true).
Unfortunately, the Sigfox documentation on how to use the bidirectional connectivity with the built-in IoT Hub connector is very sparse.
There are two options for Downlink mode in case a device asks for a downlink message
- DIRECT - Sigfox takes care to automatically respond with the predefined downlink data in hex e.g., "{tapId}0000{rssi}" (works for most cases and AFAIK the old way)
- Callback - Sigfox will push the configured downlink callback and will forward the downlink payload from IoT Hub to the device
In the second case, you need to configure the(/a) callback as type "DATA" and "BIDIR". The JSON body should be configured to contain the ack variable so your backend logic can decide if a downlink response is required. In this case ("ack": true) your application needs to create and send a cloud-to-device message with the expected downlink payload for the specific device.
@QuantumCache provided already great links with an overview on the IoT Hub cloud-to-device messaging capabilities, although direct methods and device twins won't work with Sigfox.
A .Net example how to create and ingest cloud-to-device messages is shown in the docs iot-hub-csharp-csharp-c2d
Sigfox will take care of receiving the C2D messages for the registered IoT devices from IoT Hub and forwarding the downlink data to the corresponding Sigfox Device.
I hope that helps. If not, please provide more details on the expected acknowledgement response of your device as well as an overview of your current setup.