I have read through those articles and the first one seems to deal with a different error code (255 vs -1073741502), I have also ruled out all of the points in the second document above as it is working against the same data source, with the same settings on a different table.
What I have found is that this will work when connecting to another data source with the same table structure, I then added some retries to this scheduled task step and I now get a success after 3 or 4 retries.
I am thinking it is potentially an issue with the actual source data table since it is working on my similar data sets.
Here is an article where the person found that a similar issue was with the ODBC connector to Oracle, the problem seems almost the same as mine: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11619564/weird-ssis-error-process-exit-code-255
I am going to try with the retries added in and see how it performs for the next couple weeks.