Data deleetion issue in SharePoint online site and retnition polcy

sns 9,226 Reputation points

We have observed that content have been deleted from SharePoint sites/subsites and found that it is available under system account. Can you please clarify my below questions on this.

  1. What does it mean by when it is deleted by system account, is it because of any retention policy applied? If yes how exactly need to check how this is applied and on which SharePoint components applied? If you share any PowerShell command or any method would be helpful, thanks
    1. What exactly prevention hold library? how does it is different from first stage and second stage recycle bin?
    2. I read in some blog once content is deleted it will be available for 90 days combining 2 stage recycles bin, and I also heard that it is 30 days, which one is true? Can u please confirm how many days it will be there once it is deleted from SP in the first stage recycle bin and followed by second stage recycle bin. and Pleas confirm recycle bin concept has nothing to do with any policy right?
  2. How do we make sure site assets and style library ( contains CSS , HTML files ) Protected with permissions?
  3. How do we make sure Custom Java scripts and contents on site assets are protected from retention policy?
  4. how do we get the list of CSS and Java files removed by this retention policy?

Noticed that style and asset library are having unique permissions. Please help me answering above 6 questions. Thank you

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  1. Yi Lu_MSFT 17,466 Reputation points

    Hi @sns

    1. Yes, it is due to retention policy, you could check retention policy according to cmd Get-Mailbox Morris | Select RetentionPolicy, for more information, you could refer to:

    2.When an item is deleted from a SharePoint Online site, it is sent to that site's Recycle Bin (or first-stage Recycle Bin). If an item is deleted from the Recycle Bin, it is sent to the Site Collection Recycle Bin (or second-stage Recycle Bin), where the SharePoint site collection administrator can view and restore it. If an item is deleted from the second-stage recycle bin, or if the item exceeds the retention time, it is permanently deleted.

    3.The files deleted will stay in recycle bin for 93 days, which you could refer to:

    This is by default, has nothing to do with any policy.

    As to another three, you could check that in permissions and retention policy settings, and files deleted by retention policy will display in your recycle bin.

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