Improve the execution time for a complex SQL Query from 25 seconds to be under 1 second in SQL Server Enterprise 2019

Lucian Parvu 21 Reputation points

How can I improve the execution time for a query where the initial Rows in the view were: 16000 and the query worked resonable ( under 1 second ), but now there are : 42487 rows in the View and the execution time is over 25 seconds ... which is not acceptable ?

Hardware&Software: SQL Enterprise 2019 , Azure Virtual Machine : D8s_v3, 8 Vcpu, 32 GB Ram, Premium SSD. The Server use just a small part from available resources arround 5 % .

The View :

USE [TestDB]  

/****** Object:  View [dbo].[ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView]    Script Date: 8/24/2020 6:11:08 PM ******/  


create  VIEW  [dbo].[ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] with SCHEMABINDING AS  
select  [pa].[ProductAtributeID], [a].[AtributeID], [av].[AtributeValueID],[pa].[ProductID],  
       case when [pa].[GroupID] IS NULL then 0 else [pa].[GroupID] end as [GroupID] ,  
    case  when [pa].[PartitionID] IS NULL then 0 else [pa].[PartitionID] end as [PartitionID],  
    case when [pa].[PricePolicyID] IS NULL then 0 else [pa].[PricePolicyID] end as [PricePolicyID],  
    case when [pa].[PricePolicyEntityID] IS NULL then 0 else [pa].[PricePolicyEntityID] end as [PricePolicyEntityID],  
     [av].[Title] as AtributeValueTitle,  [av].[Importance] as AtributeValueImportance  
from [dbo].[ProductAtributes] [pa]  
inner join [dbo].[Atributes] [a] on [pa].[AtributeID] = [a].[AtributeID] and ([a].[IsDisplayToFilters]=1 or [a].[IsDisplayToFiltersOnKeySearch]=1)  
inner join [dbo].[AtributeValues] [av] on  [pa].[AtributeValueID] = [av].[AtributeValueID]  

CREATE Unique  CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_AdminProductAtributesFiltersHintView] ON [dbo].[ViewAdminProductAtributeHintViewV2]  
    [ProductAtributeID] ASC  

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView_AtributeID_AtributeValueID]  
ON [dbo].[ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] ([AtributeID],[AtributeValueID])  
INCLUDE ([ProductID],[GroupID],[PartitionID],[PricePolicyID],[PricePolicyEntityID])  

The Query Execution Time is ( 25 Seconds ) ( Updated: Now in 15 Seconds ) . But After 6 Joins the Execution time is : 30 seconds .

       FROM [Products] AS [p]  
       INNER JOIN (  
          SELECT [v].[ProductID]  
         FROM [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v] WITH (NOEXPAND)  
          inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v0] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v0].[ProductID]  
          inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v1] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v1].[ProductID]  
          inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v2] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v2].[ProductID]  
           inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v3] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v3].[ProductID]  
           inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v4] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v4].[ProductID]  
          WHERE ((((((((([v0].[AtributeID] = 133) AND [v0].[AtributeValueID] IN (376)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v0].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v0].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v0].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v0].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v0].[PricePolicyEntityID]))) AND (((((([v1].[AtributeID] = 242) AND [v1].[AtributeValueID] IN (596)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v1].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v1].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v1].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v1].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v1].[PricePolicyEntityID])))) AND (((((([v2].[AtributeID] = 243) AND [v2].[AtributeValueID] IN (599)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v2].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v2].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v2].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v2].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v2].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v2].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v2].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v2].[PricePolicyEntityID])))) AND (((((([v3].[AtributeID] = 157) AND [v3].[AtributeValueID] IN (958)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v3].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v3].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v3].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v3].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v3].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v3].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v3].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v3].[PricePolicyEntityID])))) AND (((((([v4].[AtributeID] = 158) AND [v4].[AtributeValueID] IN (1298)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v4].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v4].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v4].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v4].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v4].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v4].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v4].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v4].[PricePolicyEntityID])))  
           GROUP BY [v].[ProductID]  
      ) AS [t] ON [p].[ProductID] = [t].[ProductID]  
      WHERE  [p].[ProductCategoryID] = 50  

I have used inner hash join because in the database execution plans were some suggestions about inner hash join .

The Join number can't be predicted. It depends on what Filters the user will select . The same query with 2-3 joins will execute under 1 second, but after 4-5 joins the execution time goes to 25 seconds ( Updated: Now in 15 Seconds ) .

**This query is an EF Core Translation from a .Net Core 3.1 Project

var query = context.Products.Where(p => p.ProductCategoryID== ProductCategoryID).AsQueryable();      

var productAtibutesQuery = context.ViewAdminProductAtributes.WithHashJoin("INNERHASHJOIN").WithHint("NOEXPAND").AsQueryable();  

                foreach (var filtersGroup in Filters.GroupBy(p => p.AtributeID))  
                    int atributeID = filtersGroup.Key;  
                    var atributeValues = filtersGroup.Select(p => p.AtributeValueID).ToList();  

                    productAtibutesQuery = ( from pf in productAtibutesQuery  
                                             join y in context.ViewAdminProductAtributes.WithHint("NOEXPAND")  
                                             on pf.ProductID equals y.ProductID  
                                             where y.AtributeID == atributeID &&  atributeValues.Contains(y.AtributeValueID)  
                                                ((pf.GroupID == y.GroupID) ||(pf.GroupID != 0 && y.GroupID == 0) || (pf.GroupID == 0 && y.GroupID != 0))  
                                                    ((pf.PartitionID == y.PartitionID) || (pf.PartitionID != 0 && y.PartitionID == 0) || (pf.PartitionID == 0 && y.PartitionID != 0))  
                                                    ((pf.PricePolicyID == y.PricePolicyID) || (pf.PricePolicyID != 0 && y.PricePolicyID == 0) || (pf.PricePolicyID == 0 && y.PricePolicyID != 0))  

                                                    ((pf.PricePolicyEntityID == y.PricePolicyEntityID) || (pf.PricePolicyEntityID != 0 && y.PricePolicyEntityID == 0) || (pf.PricePolicyEntityID == 0 && y.PricePolicyEntityID != 0))  

                                            select pf);  


query = (from p in query  
                         join y in productAtibutesQuery.GroupBy(p=>p.ProductID)  
                                                                    a => new  
                                                                        ProductID = a.Key  
                          on p.ProductID equals y.ProductID  
                         select p);  

return await query.CountAsync();  

Maybe this happens because of multple OR conditions. I don't know how to write better the some sentences like : ((pf.GroupID == y.GroupID) ||(pf.GroupID != 0 && y.GroupID == 0) || (pf.GroupID == 0 && y.GroupID != 0)), maybe it is a better way.

The Project is a real estate project like where you need to do some filtering to Products . Filters Will be in left Side , products in the right.


We Need 3 Query Types:

  • Count the Products based on Selected Filters ( This is the example i put in this question ) . We need to improve this one. The others are similar.
  • Display Products ( Hotels ) with Pagination
  • Display the Filters based on the selected ones (If the selection is: Property type Apartment => only available Filters that matches with products)

**1. Count the Products **, Based on Selected Filters : 2 Filters Selected - Need this query for Pagination

Executed DbCommand (252ms)  
      FROM [Products] AS [p]  
      INNER JOIN (  
          SELECT [v].[ProductID]  
         FROM [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v] WITH (NOEXPAND)  
          inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v0] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v0].[ProductID]  
           inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v1] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v1].[ProductID]  
           WHERE (((((([v0].[AtributeID] = @__atributeID_3) AND [v0].[AtributeValueID] IN (596)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v0].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v0].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v0].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v0].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v0].[PricePolicyEntityID]))) AND (((((([v1].[AtributeID] = @__atributeID_5) AND [v1].[AtributeValueID] IN (599)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v1].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v1].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v1].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v1].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v1].[PricePolicyEntityID])))  
            GROUP BY [v].[ProductID]  
        ) AS [t] ON [p].[ProductID] = [t].[ProductID]  
        WHERE ([p].[ProductCategoryID] = @__ProductCategoryID_1   

****2. Display Products**, Based on Selected Filters : 2 Filters Selected **

 Executed DbCommand (246ms)   
        SELECT [p0].[ProductID], [p0].[Title], [p0].[LastUpdated], [p0].[ProductCategoryID], [p0].[Importance], COALESCE((  
            SELECT MIN([p].[Price])  
            FROM [ProductPricePolicies] AS [p]  
            WHERE ([p0].[ProductID] = [p].[ProductID]) AND ([p].[IsMainUnitPrice] = CAST(1 AS bit))), 0.0) AS [PriceMin], [p0].[UrlNice], [p0].[CultureID], [p0].[ProductIDP]  
        FROM [Products] AS [p0]  
       INNER JOIN (  
           SELECT [v].[ProductID]  
            FROM [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v] WITH (NOEXPAND)  
            inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v0] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v0].[ProductID]  
            inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v1] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v1].[ProductID]  
           WHERE (((((([v0].[AtributeID] = @__atributeID_3) AND [v0].[AtributeValueID] IN (596)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v0].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v0].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v0].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v0].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v0].[PricePolicyEntityID]))) AND (((((([v1].[AtributeID] = @__atributeID_5) AND [v1].[AtributeValueID] IN (599)) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v1].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v1].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v1].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v1].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v1].[PricePolicyEntityID])))  
           GROUP BY [v].[ProductID]  
        ) AS [t] ON [p0].[ProductID] = [t].[ProductID]  
       WHERE ([p0].[ProductCategoryID] = @__ProductCategoryID_1)  
        ORDER BY [p0].[Importance], [p0].[ProductID] DESC  

3. Display the Filters based on the selected ones 2 Filters ( From Left )

Executed DbCommand (295ms)  

SELECT [a].[AtributeValueID], [a].[Title], [a].[Importance], [a].[AtributeID], [t0].[c] AS [Count]  
       FROM [AtributeValues] AS [a]  
        INNER JOIN (  
            SELECT [t].[AtributeValueID], COUNT(*) AS [c]  
           FROM (  
               SELECT [v].[AtributeValueID], [v].[ProductID]  
               FROM [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v] WITH (NOEXPAND)  
                inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v0] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v0].[ProductID]  
                inner hash join [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] AS [v1] WITH (NOEXPAND) ON [v].[ProductID] = [v1].[ProductID]  
               WHERE ((((([v].[ProductCategoryID] = @__ProductCategoryID_0))) AND ([v].[IsPublished] = CAST(1 AS bit))) AND (((((([v0].[AtributeID] = @__atributeID_1) AND (([v].[AtributeValueID] = [v0].[AtributeValueID]) OR [v0].[AtributeValueID] IN (596))) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v0].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v0].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v0].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v0].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v0].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v0].[PricePolicyEntityID])))) AND (((((([v1].[AtributeID] = @__atributeID_3) AND (([v].[AtributeValueID] = [v1].[AtributeValueID]) OR [v1].[AtributeValueID] IN (599))) AND ((([v].[GroupID] = 0) OR ([v1].[GroupID] = 0)) OR ([v].[GroupID] = [v1].[GroupID]))) AND ((([v].[PartitionID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PartitionID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PartitionID] = [v1].[PartitionID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PricePolicyID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyID] = [v1].[PricePolicyID]))) AND ((([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0) OR ([v1].[PricePolicyEntityID] = 0)) OR ([v].[PricePolicyEntityID] = [v1].[PricePolicyEntityID])))  
               GROUP BY [v].[ProductID], [v].[AtributeValueID]  
           ) AS [t]  
           GROUP BY [t].[AtributeValueID]  
       ) AS [t0] ON [a].[AtributeValueID] = [t0].[AtributeValueID]  

We build those types of project with Filtration since 2009, but never find a solution or database structure to work smoothly for how many filters the user want.

We are open to create another Views, or everything is necessary.

Filter Examples:

Star Rating :1 star ( 10 Results) , 2 stars ( 12 Results) , 3 stars( 2 Results) ,etc

Property Type: Apartments ( 20 Results), Hotels (30 Results), etc

When a Filter will be selected all the Filters should be recalculated to count again the results you will get

Database Structure

Products (ProductID, Title,etc): Hotel 1, Hotel 2

Atributes (AtrivuteValueID,Title) : Star Rating, Property Type

AtributeValues (AtrivuteValueID,AtributeID,Title): Apartments, Hotels, etc

ProductAtributes (ProductID, AtributeID, AtributeValueID)

[dbo].[ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView]: 42487 Rows in View . We have made this View because in the ProductAtributes tabe has arround : 400000 Rows, from where just 42487 are Filters. And i am thinking to improve the searches .

I have attached the Execution Plan



Execution Plan in XML :

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Accepted answer
  1. MelissaMa-MSFT 24,201 Reputation points

    Hi @Lucian Parvu ,

    Thanks for your update.

    Glad to hear that you have a huge enhancement with your query using exists.

    In addition, there are some more tips which may be helpful to you.

    1. Update statistics.
    2. Use trace flag 2371.
    3. Try with Hash Join, Merge Join and Nested Loop Join and validate which could be faster.
    4. Check whether it is possible to remove the sort(group by/order by/distinct).

    If the response is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it.

    Best regards

    0 comments No comments

9 additional answers

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  1. Tom Phillips 17,731 Reputation points

    We would need to see the XML query plan, not images to give a good idea.

    However, you are joining on ProductID and do not have an index on ProductID. I would suggest you try this first:
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView_ProductID]
    ON [dbo].[ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] ([ProductID],[AtributeID],[AtributeValueID])
    INCLUDE ([GroupID],[PartitionID],[PricePolicyID],[PricePolicyEntityID])

    1 person found this answer helpful.

  2. Viorel 117.6K Reputation points

    I think that

    ((pf.GroupID == y.GroupID) ||(pf.GroupID != 0 && y.GroupID == 0) || (pf.GroupID == 0 && y.GroupID != 0))

    can be changed to

    ( pf.GroupID == 0 || y.GroupID == 0 || pf.GroupID == y.GroupID ).

  3. MelissaMa-MSFT 24,201 Reputation points

    Hi @Lucian Parvu

    As mentioned by other expert, it is better for you to provide the xml execution plan ranther than pictures.

    Per my understanding, I have some tips below. Please check whether they are helpful to you.

    1. Replace a complex statement with multiple simple statements. Since I found that in your query, you had [ViewAdminProductAtributeV2HintView] hash join itself many times.
    2. Avoid too many OR conditions. Please try to rewrite where clause by removing unnecessary conditions or changing to use a function such as case or decode.
    3. Find out any possible to change from hash join to EXISTS.
    4. Make sure all mentioned columns are indexed, especially productID.
    5. Consider to use some tune tools like Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA).

    Regarding to the .net code, you could ask more details in related forums.

    Please also refer more details in below link:
    query performance gains by removing operator hash match inner join

    If the response is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it.

    Best regards

  4. Tom Phillips 17,731 Reputation points

    I noticed you are running a very old build of SQL 2019. I highly suggest you upgrade to the current CU. It may not have any affect on your current issue, but there have been many changes since your build.

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