We currently deploy to our azure function instances from CircleCI. As part of our pipeline we build the applications and output them as a package. Our Azure network is behind a VPN, therefore we use the method of deploying our zip to a blob container, then sending the following api request in order to trigger the deployment:
az rest --method PUT \
--uri $SITE_URI \
--body '{
"properties": {
"properties": {
"packageUri": "'"${ZIP_URL}"'"
"type": "zip",
"ignorestack": false,
"clean": true,
"restart": true
This all worked perfectly for several months until roughly two weeks ago, when all of our builds suddenly stopped deploying correctly. When debugging the issue we noticed that our deployment had randomly switched to using Oryx, which is wasnt previously using. Our last previously working deployment logs
2022-02-17T15:01:00 Fetching changes.
2022-02-17T15:01:00 Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file /tmp/zipdeploy/09c22093-cd1d-4945-a749-f46af7984b92.zip (2.25 MB) to /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
2022-02-17T15:01:03 Updating submodules.
2022-02-17T15:01:03 Preparing deployment for commit id '14a12017a6'.
2022-02-17T15:01:04 Running build. Project type: OneDeploy
2022-02-17T15:01:04 Copying the manifest
2022-02-17T15:01:04 Clean deploying to /home/site/wwwroot
2022-02-17T15:01:04 Generating deployment script.
2022-02-17T15:01:04 Using cached version of deployment script (command: 'azure -y --no-dot-deployment -r "/tmp/zipdeploy/extracted" -o "/home/site/deployments/tools" --basic --sitePath "/tmp/zipdeploy/extracted"').
2022-02-17T15:01:04 Running deployment command...
2022-02-17T15:01:04 Command: "/home/site/deployments/tools/deploy.sh"
2022-02-17T15:01:04 Handling Basic Web Site deployment.
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Kudu sync from: '/tmp/zipdeploy/extracted' to: '/home/site/wwwroot'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'host.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'DispatchIdeasPushNotifications/function.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'GetIdeasNotifications/function.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'HttpTriggerJob/function.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'ProcessAndSendPushNotification/function.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'QueueSendPushNotification/function.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'SendIdeaPushNotification/function.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'SendPushNotification/function.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'bin/Notifications.dll'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'bin/Notifications.pdb'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'bin/extensions.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Copying file: 'bin/function.deps.json'
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Finished successfully.
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Build completed succesfully.
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Running post deployment command(s)...
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Requesting site restart
2022-02-17T15:01:05 Requesting site restart. Attempt #1
2022-02-17T15:01:06 Successfully requested a restart. Attempt #1
2022-02-17T15:01:06 Deployment successful.
Our current build logs:
2022-02-23T13:07:29 Fetching changes.
2022-02-23T13:07:29 Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file /tmp/zipdeploy/831928c1-bb64-4766-929d-9ba35305391d.zip (2.25 MB) to /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
2022-02-23T13:07:44 Updating submodules.
2022-02-23T13:07:45 Preparing deployment for commit id 'c3d03453-6'.
2022-02-23T13:07:45 Repository path is /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
2022-02-23T13:07:45 Running oryx build...
2022-02-23T13:07:45 Command: oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /tmp/build/expressbuild --platform dotnet --platform-version 2.2 -i /tmp/8d9f6cd7b91f675
2022-02-23T13:07:47 Operation performed by Microsoft Oryx, https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx
2022-02-23T13:07:47 You can report issues at https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx/issues
2022-02-23T13:07:47 Oryx Version: 0.2.20211207.1, Commit: 46633df49cc8fbe9718772a3c894df221273b2af, ReleaseTagName: 20211207.1
2022-02-23T13:07:47 Error: Platform 'dotnet' has been disabled.
2022-02-23T13:07:47 Build Operation ID: |1bFAFzqgpVs=.d3f750a2_
2022-02-23T13:07:47 Repository Commit : c3d03453-6c99-48c3-b922-c72ea8b6bb91
2022-02-23T13:07:47 Detecting platforms...
2022-02-23T13:07:47 Platform 'dotnet' has been disabled, so skipping detection for it.
2022-02-23T13:07:47 Could not detect any platform in the source directory.
2022-02-23T13:07:49 Error: Platform 'dotnet' has been disabled.
/opt/Kudu/Scripts/starter.sh oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /tmp/build/expressbuild --platform dotnet --platform-version 2.2 -i /tmp/8d9f6cd7b91f675
2022-02-23T13:07:50 Deployment Failed.
For our regular App Services we have been able to revert to the previous build behaviour by disabling the Oryx build explicitly using ENABLE_ORYX_BUILD=false. This has unblocked most of our services, however all three of our Azure Function Apps continue to use Oryx even with ENABLE_ORYX_BUILD=false set in the application settings.
This issue has severely impacted our companies ability to deploy updates to our systems for multiple weeks now and we have been unable to resolve it. Any guidance or advice you could give to help unblock our teams would be greatly appreciated as we're kinda at a loss on what else we can attempt.