Using Azure CLI trying to create MYSQL Flexible server and getting the below error. here is the error
ERROR: (InternalServerError) An unexpected error occured while processing the request. Tracking ID: 'e67fb02f-8235-40d8-9758-e5bdf16880ac'
Code: InternalServerError
Message: An unexpected error occured while processing the request. Tracking ID: 'e67fb02f-8235-40d8-9758-e5bdf16880ac'
here is the command i am trying
az mysql flexible-server create --location centralindia --resource-group mytestrsg --name mytest-mysql-instance --admin-user myadmin --admin-password MYPwd@Gary_WRC --sku-name Standard_D2ds_v4 --tier "GeneralPurpose" --storage-size 32 --address-prefixes "" --subnet-prefixes "" --subnet "default-subnet" --backup-retention 10 --high-availability SameZone --iops 1000 --storage-auto-grow Enabled --version 8.0.21 --vnet mytest-vnw --yes --private-dns-zone ""