azure container support is horrible!!!! doing basic things as root in a linux container is NOT_SUPPORTED.
see attachment. Azure does not support --privileged containers. AWS and GCP do.
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Im trying to change hostname in running container as root.
I dont have permission to.
root# hostname newhostname
hostname: you must be root to change the host name
Im trying to change memory settings in running container as root.
I dont have permission to
root# sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
sysctl: setting key 'vm.max_map_count', ignoring: Read-only file system
which means I cant setup this container properly.
I understand this is because the docker container is not started with --privileged argument. AWS and GCP BOTH allow --privileged containers.
having a linux container without --privileged , is like a windows VM without
Administrator privileges. Kinda makes the container useless.
Is there a work around for this that does NOT involve me starting an ubuntu VM to run my container?
I mean the whole idea of containers is REMOVE the VM layer. If I have to run my container in a VM...there is really no point.
Is there a work around that im not aware of ?
azure container support is horrible!!!! doing basic things as root in a linux container is NOT_SUPPORTED.
see attachment. Azure does not support --privileged containers. AWS and GCP do.