Default view connection between site collection and subsite is not complete if I use a template to generate the subsite.

emarck 2010 21 Reputation points


I have site collection who have 2 lists.

Project info

User info

Project info contain somes information about each project.

Ex: Project title, cost, years, manager, link to the subsite of the project.

The list user info contain somes information about who have access to the project.

Ex: Title of project , username, type of access (read only, modify)

The challenge was to give an easy way at the manager for manage users access for a particular project.

For that, I have create a aspx page in SPD 2013 at the site collection level.

In this blank page, I add a data view of my Project info list.

I have save the page at the site collection level and use the option in SPD 2013 to generate a custom webparts of this views in the Sharepoint toolbars.

Like this I could insert this web part in my subsite and I have direct link with site collection list Project info.

I have make the same with the other list User info.

After that, I have create a new blank subsite in my site collection.

One time in my subsite, I have create a new aspx page and add each custom webparts on it.

The result is super, I have the data from the list who are at the site collection level in my subsite.

I could change the view to add or remove somes column and I could delete or add items without any problem.

If I go at my site collection level I could view the new items create in the list from the subsite.

All work very well.

But When I go in the option of the subsite to create and save the subsite like a template, I lost the majority of column selected in the default view in the subsite.

So if I try to create a new subsite with this template, the subsite is generate, but in the info page I view my 2 webparts who are always connect to the site collection list.
But the view of this 2 webparts are scrap, I have only the title column.

If I modify the info page in the new subsite generate by the template, I could go in the properties of the webparts and all the view create at the site collection level are present.

So I could manually select in the list the rigth view I need for each webparts of the info page.

When I make this and save the page, all my fields are present correctly.

But I need to make this manually each time than I create a new subsite, I have try to put the view in th subsite by default for each webparts and generate a new template, but I have the same view problem each time.

My goal is to find a way to conserve the format of each view in the template, because I use this template in a workflow the auto generate the futur subsite.

Any hints about this problem ?

Thank you.

SharePoint Development
SharePoint Development
SharePoint: A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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  1. JoyZ 18,056 Reputation points

    @emarck 2010 ,

    Thanks for the detailed screenshot steps!

    Per my test, I can reproduce your issue, however we have no workaround for this, currently we can only add columns manually in this view:


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  2. emarck 2010 21 Reputation points

    OK , I could maybe use another method to conserve the columns or add columns in the view with rest api command ?

    Or another method to have the same result between site collection and subsite ?

    Thank you.

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  3. emarck 2010 21 Reputation points

    I have make somes research and view on somes site than I could create a view in javascript.

    I found somes script who give how :

    create a view from scratch
    delete a existing view
    list all view availaible

    But I dont find information about view selection. I suppose this is possible like somes code exist to create, list and delete views.

    Somebody have any information about that ?

    Because, if I could put a javascript who load with the page, maybe than I could resolve the issue with a script who change the webparts view for the good one each time I load the page.

    Thank you.

  4. RaytheonXie_MSFT 33,641 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @emarck 2010 ,
    You can follow the code to set View Query in SharePoint

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/sp.runtime.js"></script>  
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/sp.js"></script>  
    <script src="https://MyServer/sites/SiteCollection/style library/js/ScriptFile.js"></script>  
    function SetListViewQuery() {  
        // You can optionally specify the Site URL here to get the context  
        // If you don't specify the URL, the method will get the context of the current site  
        // var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext("http://MyServer/sites/SiteCollection");  
        var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();  
        // Get List Object  
        var olistCollection = clientContext.get_web().get_lists();  
        var oList = olistCollection.getByTitle("List Name");  
        // Get required view by specifying view Title here  
        var oView = oList.get_views().getByTitle('Custom View');  
        // Set the view Query.   
        oView.set_viewQuery("<Where><IsNotNull><FieldRef Name='Title'/></IsNotNull></Where>");  
        // Update view  
        // Execute the query to the server.  
        clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onsuccess, onfailed);  
    function onsuccess() {  
    function onfailed(sender, args) {  

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