Bing Ads API - RedeemCoupon vs Search Coupon different results

Pedro Avila Castro 1 Reputation point

Hello, I'm having some problems managing coupons from API.

I obtain different results using this two operations: RedeemCoupon and SearchCoupons. In my app I want to give coupons to users and check if they have redeemed them.

To test it I have a coupon which has been already redeemed.

For the same user credentials, for SearchCoupons I obtain an empty coupons list, whereas when I use ReedemCoupon the response is that this coupon is already redeemed.

Why it does not appear in the SearchCoupons response?
For the CUSTOMER_ID I use the customer_id of my account.

Here you can see my requests.


<Envelope xmlns="">
        <AuthenticationToken xmlns="">TOKEN</AuthenticationToken>
        <DeveloperToken xmlns="">DEV_TOKEN</DeveloperToken>
        <SearchCouponsRequest xmlns="">
            <!-- Optional -->
                <Predicate xmlns="">
            <!-- Optional -->
                <Index xmlns="">0</Index>
                <Size xmlns="">100</Size>


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
        <h:TrackingId xmlns:h="">5fb454f4-b652-4769-855a-79479830e5f1</h:TrackingId>
        <SearchCouponsResponse xmlns="">
            <Coupons xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""/>


<Envelope xmlns="">
        <AuthenticationToken xmlns="">TOKEN</AuthenticationToken>
        <DeveloperToken xmlns="">DEV_TOKEN</DeveloperToken>
        <RedeemCouponRequest xmlns="">


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
            <faultstring xml:lang="en-US">Invalid client data. Check the SOAP fault details for more information. TrackingId: 0aa3664e-168d-421a-b73c-f16fc02dbe13.</faultstring>
                <ApiFault xmlns="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
                    <TrackingId xmlns="">0aa3664e-168d-421a-b73c-f16fc02dbe13</TrackingId>
                            <a:Message>Customer has already redeemed this onetime offer coupon before on this account.</a:Message>

Thank you, any help is appreciated.

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
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