I resolved the issue after several attempts, just to refer to the title of the question, that was related to not preparing the proper FSMO domain.
For anyone who's had issues with installing Exchange 2019 on a root/child AD forest which has had a previously decommissioned Exchange server please follow to allow proper installation:
- Install all the Exchange pre-requisites on the server that sits within the child domain
- Run setup PrepareSchema and PrepareAD on the root FSMO, make sure the changes that the commands will apply to AD have been replicated through the forest i.e system mail boxes are present in the root AD.
- Then run the PrepareDomain:[child.domain] on the child domain.
- Proceed ahead with the installation on the Exchange server (on child domain) as normal - If during the any stage the setup was to fail during the installation - run the setup command using the /Mode:Upgrade switch - this should then force the install to complete and give you access to the Exchange Management Shell.
- On the shell run this command - Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true (return no result) (This will enable Exchange to view all the objects created during AD preparation). Then run - Get-Mailbox -Arbitration | select Name,Database - this will return all the system mail boxes residing in the root domain.
- Once you have carried out step 5 to fruition - most importantly, check whether your admin account has the attribute homeMDB pointing to a valid Exchange Database (result from using commands in step 5), if not, go on to one of the system mail boxes, right click and click on attribute editor and then confirm that the homeMDB attribute on it is point to the same Exchange server, copy and past this link into your Admin account, then restart the MS Exchange Information Store. Then you should be able to access the EAC and create other mail box users which then automatically populates their accounts with the homeMDB attribute pointing to a valid Exchange database.
The steps where not followed in order when I resolved the issue, however any one has the same problem installing or upgrading exchange on a root/child AD forest can follow the steps to resolve their issue.
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