I just noticed that there were this kinda build in query but it seems there are some issues or it is not working properly.
// Patch installation failure for your machines
// List for each machine the installation status of the updates where the installation was not successful.
// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where TimeGenerated>ago(1d)
| where InstallationStatus == "NotStarted"
| summarize by Title, InstallationStatus, SourceComputerId, UpdateId, Computer, ResourceId
| join kind= inner (
| where TimeGenerated>ago(1d)
| where InstallationStatus != "NotStarted"
| summarize by Title, InstallationStatus, SourceComputerId, UpdateId, Computer
) on UpdateId
| where InstallationStatus1 != "Succeed"
| summarize by Title, InstallationStatus, Computer, ResourceId
This query gives me 72 items as results which is not really right which would mean that all my patches failed last night.
Running following query gives me 71 results which means that only 1 of updates did not went from 'Succeeded'. FYI: I know by fact that only 1 update failed or did not go trough right
| where TimeGenerated>ago(1d)
| where InstallationStatus == "Succeeded"
and running following query gives me the one update that did fail
| where TimeGenerated>ago(1d)
| where InstallationStatus contains "fail"
What need to be changed in query so it would display only updates that went from NotStarted to != "Succeed" (so basically failed or not did even start).