Copy Column based on query result

Debilon 431 Reputation points
  1. I have created a query to find the number of words in a column
  2. Based on the results i would like to copy the string to a different column.
  3. What i would like to do is use the results as trigger to copy column ID to a new column named NewID
    AKA : if WordCount= 3 then NewID=ID
  4. i know how to do so in VB / C# But have no idea what's the syntax in SQL.
  5. I am using SQL 2019

Thank You

        id int identity(1,1),  
        string varchar(100)  
    ('This Has 4 words.'),  
    ('One Two Three'),  
    ('I know what, you, have, done, last, summer ?'),  
    ('Is this you? ')  
    ;WITH CTE AS  
    SELECT  Id,  
            REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(string, ' ', '><' -- Note that there are 2 spaces here  
                                   ), '<>', ''  
                           ), '><', ' '  
                    ) as string  
    FROM @T  
    SELECT id, LEN(string) - LEN(REPLACE(string, ' ', '')) + 1 as CountWords  
    FROM CTE  

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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Accepted answer
  1. Yitzhak Khabinsky 25,731 Reputation points

    Hi @Debilon ,

    Here is a more reliable method to count number of words in a column.
    I removed (1) question marks and (2) commas to prevent counting them as words.

    It is still not clear about your desired output. Please update your question.


    -- DDL and sample data population, start  
    DECLARE @tbl AS TABLE (id int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, string varchar(100));  
    ('This Has 4 words.'),  
    ('One Two Three'),  
    ('I know what, you, have, done, last, summer ?'),  
    ('Is this you? ');  
    -- DDL and sample data population, end  
    DECLARE @separator CHAR(1) = SPACE(1)  
     , @removeChars CHAR(2) = '?,';  
    SELECT t.*  
    	, wordCount  
    	, new_ID = IIF(wordCount=3, t.ID, NULL)  
    FROM @tbl AS t  
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TRY_CAST('<root><r>' +   
        REPLACE(TRANSLATE(string,@removeChars,SPACE(LEN(@removeChars))), @separator, '</r><r>') +   
        '</r></root>' AS XML)) AS t1(c)  
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT c.value('count(/root/r[text()])', 'INT')) AS t2(wordCount);  


    | id |                    string                    | wordCount | new_ID |  
    |  1 | This Has 4 words.                            |         4 | NULL   |  
    |  2 | One Two Three                                |         3 | 2      |  
    |  3 | I know what, you, have, done, last, summer ? |         8 | NULL   |  
    |  4 | Is this you?                                 |         3 | 4      |  

2 additional answers

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  1. Bert Zhou-msft 3,421 Reputation points


    Welcome to Microsoft T-SQL Q&A Forum!

    Please check this:

             id int identity(1,1),  
             string varchar(100)  
        ('This Has 4 words.'),  
         ('One Two Three'),  
         ('I know what, you, have, done, last, summer ?'),  
         ('Is this you? ')  
    SELECT *,LEN(String) - LEN(REPLACE(String,' ', '')) wordcount , IIF(LEN(String) - LEN(REPLACE(String,' ', ''))=3, ID, NULL) as new_column  
    FROM (  
    SELECT ID,REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(' ' + string, ' ', ' $!'), '$! ',''), '$!', '') String  
    FROM @T ) A  

    Best regards,
    Bert Zhou

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  2. Naomi 7,366 Reputation points

    Just change the above select into cte, so you would be able to update, e.g.

    ;with cte as (SELECT t.*
          , wordCount
          --, new_ID = IIF(wordCount=3, t.ID, NULL)
          , NewString = IIF(wordCount = 2,t.name1,null) 
      FROM OwnerNames AS t
      CROSS APPLY (SELECT TRY_CAST('<root><r>' + 
          REPLACE(TRANSLATE(NAME1,@removeChars,SPACE(LEN(@removeChars))), @separator, '</r><r>') + 
          '</r></root>' AS XML)) AS t1(c)
      CROSS APPLY (SELECT c.value('count(/root/r[text()])', 'INT')) AS t2(wordCount)
     update cte -- 
     Set Name=newstring -- name column would be replaced now in the OwnerNames table
    --to confirm
    select * from OwnerNames