leading value give me wrong result

ahmed salah 3,216 Reputation points

i working on sql server 2014 i face issue

leading value is repeated wrong with every gaps of dates added

or the date added before current date

my sample

DECLARE @Parts table 

 PartId int,
 CreatedDate date,
 LeadValue int
 insert into @Parts(PartId,CreatedDate,LeadValue)



 DECLARE @CurrentMonth date 
 SET @CurrentMonth= '20220331'
 ;WITH CteTest (PartId,CreatedDate,LeadValue)
  SELECT PartId,CreatedDate,LeadValue
  FROM (SELECT PartId,CreatedDate,LeadValue, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PartId ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC,LeadValue asc) AS RC
        FROM @Parts) Test
  WHERE RC = 1
  SELECT CteTest.PartId,
         CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @Parts Prt WHERE Prt.PartId = CteTest.PartId
                                                    AND YEAR(Prt.CreatedDate)  = YEAR( DATEADD(mm,1,CteTest.CreatedDate))
                                                    AND MONTH(Prt.CreatedDate) = MONTH( DATEADD(mm,1,CteTest.CreatedDate)))
              THEN (SELECT CreatedDate FROM @Parts Prt WHERE Prt.PartId = CteTest.PartId
                                                    AND YEAR(Prt.CreatedDate)  = YEAR( DATEADD(mm,1,CteTest.CreatedDate))
                                                    AND MONTH(Prt.CreatedDate) = MONTH( DATEADD(mm,1,CteTest.CreatedDate)))
         ELSE DATEADD(mm,1,CteTest.CreatedDate) END AS CreatedDate,LeadValue
  FROM CteTest
  WHERE DATEADD(mm,1,CteTest.CreatedDate) < @CurrentMonth

 ORDER BY PartId, CreatedDate  

expected result

PartId CreatedDate LeadValue
1234  2021-07-03        5
1234  2021-08-03        5
1234  2021-09-03        5
1234  2021-10-05       90
1234  2021-11-05       50
1234  2021-12-05       50
1234  2022-01-05       50
1234  2022-02-05      50
1234  2022-03-05      50
5981  2021-11-15      70
5981  2021-12-03      60
5981  2022-01-03      60
5981  2022-02-03      60
5981  2022-03-03      60
6070  2021-12-12      20
6070  2022-01-08     10
6070  2022-02-08     10
6070  2022-03-08     10
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Accepted answer
  1. Ronen Ariely 15,186 Reputation points


    (1) ISSUE! What if the CreatedDate is 2022-01-30 and you have a gap in Feb 2022... Which Date do you want to get as there is no 2022-02-30 ?!? Your recruitment us full with holes

    (2) it is not well clear why you use the month as the parameter for the gaps. In your description if I have the date 2022-01-31 and next one is 2022-04-01 then you fill the date 2022-02-31 and 2022-03-31 and treat as two months gaps. But if you have date 2022-01-31 and next one is 2022-03-31 then you fill only 2022-02-31 and this one treated as one month gap even so the number of days is almost the same as in the first case. seems strange recruitment to me

    If you want to deal with months that you should probably use only months (for example use first of each month).

    There is no option to cover your exact recruitment as I explain above.

    Here is a solution which provide the first day of the month for the missing gaps.

    ;With Dates as (  
     select TOP 1000 D = DATEADD(Month, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)), CONVERT(DATE,'2000-01-01'))  
     FROM sys.all_objects t1  
     CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects t2  
    CTE as (  
     SELECT t.PartId, t.LeadValue, t.CreatedDate,   
     L = LEAD(t.CreatedDate, 1,DATEADD(MONTH,1, GETDATE())) OVER (PARTITION BY t.PartId ORDER BY t.CreatedDate)  
     FROM Parts t  
    SELECT t.PartId, t.LeadValue, CreatedDate = d.D--, t.CreatedDate, t.L  
    FROM CTE t  
    LEFT JOIN Dates d ON d.D >= EOMONTH(t.CreatedDate) and d.D < EOMONTH(t.L)  

    The following solution use the date as you asked and if it does not exists then it use the first day of the month

     ;With Dates as (  
      select TOP 1000 D = DATEADD(Month, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)), CONVERT(DATE,'2000-01-01'))  
      FROM sys.all_objects t1  
      CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects t2  
     CTE as (  
      SELECT t.PartId, t.LeadValue, t.CreatedDate,   
      L = LEAD(t.CreatedDate, 1,DATEADD(MONTH,1, GETDATE())) OVER (PARTITION BY t.PartId ORDER BY t.CreatedDate)  
      FROM Parts t  
     SELECT t.PartId, t.LeadValue--, t.CreatedDate  
      ,CreatedDate = CASE  
      THEN DATEADD(DAY, DATEPART(DAY,t.CreatedDate)-1, d.D)  
      ELSE EOMONTH(d.D)  
     FROM CTE t  
     LEFT JOIN Dates d ON EOMONTH(d.D) >= EOMONTH(t.CreatedDate) and EOMONTH(d.D) < EOMONTH(t.L)  


    14150-image.pngRonen Ariely
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