Once you make the directory change, copy the old ones into that new directory.
Change location of Tracking Logs in Exchange 2016
Hello ,
We are planning to change location of tracking logs in exchange 2016 mailbox servers.
Currently logs files are being retained for 30 days and we plan to increase the retention to 90 days.
A new drive T: 150GB is added on the exchange servers and below command will be executed
Set-TransportService Mailbox01 -MessageTrackingLogPath " X:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking" -MessageTrackingLogMaxFileSize 10MB -MessageTrackingLogMaxDirectorySize 2000MB -MessageTrackingLogMaxAge 90.00:00:00
Do we have to wait till 31/03/2022 to move the tracking logs files to a new location or we can do it in next few days
The reason I am asking this question is If we move the location of tracking logs on 24/March/2022 and if we need to track emails sent before this , will it yield correct results
What are the recommendation here
Thank you