Hello @IoTBuilder ,
yes, IoT Central has some latency. This latency is part of the experience offered by IoT Central.
IoT Central is a full IoT Platform packaged as a Software as a Service platform.
It is built on top of Azure IoT services like Device Provisioning services, IoT Hub, Stream Analytics job, etc.
If you build your IoT platform yourself based on the IoT Hub, you will see the telemetry ingest is very good, expect message within seconds or less.
Still, when you start adding services for eg. routing messages, transformations, joining with other streams, filtering, persisting in a database, and dashboarding, you will see that each step will consume some extra time.
IoT Central comes with a lot of advantages (direct available, cost per device is predictable, complete) but you give in into the flexibility to make the solution as light-weight as possible.