Azure On-premise Data Gateway Registration Error

Leon 6 Reputation points

I am trying to registrar our first On-premise Data Gateway with our Azure tenant. I get the following error when entering the email address for the registration. "Network request returned unexpected error." When looking at the "GatewayConfigurator" log I see the following error, see below. We do not have a PowerBI subscription, and are only looking to use this with mainly Azure Logic Apps. Any help would be appreciated.

Error Log:

erpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.07 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] [Region discovery] WithAzureRegion not configured.
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.07 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] [Region discovery] Azure region was not configured or could not be discovered. Not using a regional authority.
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.07 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] [Instance Discovery] Tried to use network cache provider for Success? True.
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.07 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] [SaveTokenResponseAsync] Entering token cache semaphore. Count Real semaphore: True. Count: 1.
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.07 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] [SaveTokenResponseAsync] Entered token cache semaphore.
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.07 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] Saving AT in cache and removing overlapping ATs...
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.08 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] Looking for scopes for the authority in the cache which intersect with
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.08 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] Intersecting scope entries count - 0
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.08 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] Matching entries after filtering by user - 0
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.08 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] Saving Id Token and Account in cache ...
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.08 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] Saving RT in cache...
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.08 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] [SaveTokenResponseAsync] Released token cache semaphore.
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.09 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] Fetched access token from host
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.09 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79]
=== Token Acquisition finished successfully:
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : False MSAL MSAL.Desktop 4.8 or later Windows Server 2019 Datacenter [03/23 17:30:30.09 - b060bcae-818f-44d3-9db6-c888500ead79] AT expiration time: 3/23/2022 6:30:29 PM +00:00, scopes source IdentityProvider from appHashCode 20181798
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Error: 0 : Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.GlobalServiceRequestException: Network request returned unexpected error. ---> Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.ExternalClient.PowerBIHttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request)
Request Id: ce96dbb9-7a19-4107-8566-16518d2a9c88
Timestamp: 3/23/2022 5:30:30 PM +00:00

at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.ConfiguratorClientExtensions.<GetClusterUri>d__5.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.DmtsGatewayCreation.<GetClusterUriWithOverride>d__10.MoveNext()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.DmtsGatewayCreation.<GetClusterUriWithOverride>d__10.MoveNext()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayUiCommon.WizardSignInViewModel.SetDefaultBackendUri(IHttpClientDecorator httpDecorator)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayUiCommon.WizardSignInViewModel.StartSignIn(IServiceEnvironmentDetailsFactory serviceEnvironmentDetailsFactory, ConfiguratorAzureGeo selectedGeo)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayUiCommon.WizardSignInViewModel.DoNext(Object param)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayUiCommon.WizardViewModelBase.DoNextWorker(Object param)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayUiCommon.RelayCommand.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<Execute>b__0()
---> (Inner Exception #0) Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.GlobalServiceRequestException: Network request returned unexpected error. ---> Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.ExternalClient.PowerBIHttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request)
Request Id: ce96dbb9-7a19-4107-8566-16518d2a9c88
Timestamp: 3/23/2022 5:30:30 PM +00:00

at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.ConfiguratorClientExtensions.<GetClusterUri>d__5.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.DmtsGatewayCreation.<GetClusterUriWithOverride>d__10.MoveNext()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.DmtsGatewayCreation.<GetClusterUriWithOverride>d__10.MoveNext()<---

EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Update checks
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Create web request for Uri:
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Response status: OK
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Create httpClient request for Uri:
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Response status: OK
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Checking for PbiEgwService
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Fetch state for PbiEgwService
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Service state: Running
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Create httpclient request for Uri:
EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe Information: 0 : Response status: OK

Azure Logic Apps
Azure Logic Apps
An Azure service that automates the access and use of data across clouds without writing code.
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  1. MayankBargali-MSFT 70,016 Reputation points

    @Leon Thanks for reaching out. Your Azure account needs to be either a work account or school account, which looks like username@Company portal .com. Can you please confirm if you are not using Azure B2B (guest) accounts or personal Microsoft accounts, such as @Karima ben .com or .com which is not supported as mentioned in the prerequisites section. Please verify the prerequisite and let me know if you still facing the issue.

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