SELECT T0.DocNum as 'Doc. Number', T0.CardName, T0.NumAtCard as 'Customer PO #',
T1.Quantity, T1.ItemCode as 'Part Number',
T4.U_PCODE AS 'U_Pcode', T4.U_GACEQ AS 'U_GACEQ', T4.U_Gaceq2018 AS 'U_Gaceq2018',
T4.U_COO AS 'COO', T4.U_SignaPCode AS 'P-CODE Sigma',
T4.U_BDAF AS 'P-CODE GACEQ', T4.U_GACEQ2 AS '2018-0616-02-01',
T4.U_HSK AS 'H-Sick Kids', T5.FirmName,
T1.Dscription, T1.Codebars,
T0.DocDate as 'Delivery Date', T0.CardCode as 'Customer Code',
T1.Price as 'Price', T1.Linetotal As Value,
case when max(T1.Price) over (partition by T1.ItemCode)<>min(T1.Price) over (partition by T1.ItemCode) then 'Different Prices' else 'Same Price' end as PriceTestOverItem
INNER JOIN INV1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
INNER JOIN OCRD T2 ON T0.CardCOde = T2.CardCode
INNER JOIN OCRG T3 ON T2.GroupCode = T3.GroupCode
AND T3.GroupType = 'C'
INNER JOIN OITM T4 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode
INNER JOIN OMRC T5 ON T5.FirmCode = T4.FirmCode
WHERE T1.Quantity != 0
AND T0.DocDate >='[%1]' AND T0.DocDate <='[%2]' and T3.GroupName = '[%3]'