@KingJava ,
Thanks for reaching out to Q&A.
In order to automate the deployment process, you can build a CI/CD pipeline via Azure devops. There are two parts to this deployment, first you will have to create a git repository and push/commit your code to this repository. Second part is creating build and release pipeline so that the code from the repository is pushed to the Azure functions. As soon as you commit any code to the repository, the pipeline would be started.
Push the code to repo: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/repos/git/share-your-code-in-git-vs?view=azure-devops&tabs=visual-studio-2019
Build/release pipeline in Azure devops: (suggesting this article as this looks simple) https://medium.com/swlh/azure-function-build-and-release-pipeline-in-azure-devops-ci-cd-974ed28d2ac4
I hope this helps!
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