RDS with Azure MFA not prompting
Following this guide https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/authentication/howto-mfa-nps-extension-rdg
Trying to setup RDS to use Azure MFA. We use Azure MFA currently for O365 login. We have on prem AD with AAD sync. Created two brand new VMS, one with RDS with quick setup and one for NPS with the Azure NPS extension. RDS works, I can go to RDweb and open the rdp connection file just fine and i see the entries in the eventvwr for the connection setup no problem, The issue is it isn't redirecting or prompting for MFA and on the NPS server it doesn't appear to be even getting prompted as there isn't anything in the eventvwr. So i can't even determine whats failing. Any help would be great