Modified configmap doesn't effect?
My app could access the current cluster and check the pods under specified namespace. If the pod has some unhealth logs it will send message to management team.
Here are the codes in config map:
appsettings.Production.json: |-
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"logdurationsecond": 900,
"monitornamespace": [
"stockrater", "xconverterjob"
"mailfrom": "****",
"mailto": "****",
"mailhost": "****",
"mailpassword": "****",
"mailport": 587
The stage "monitornamespace" used to set to "default" and "test" for beta testing. And after that we set to the value above to some production workloads to let it monitor the production workload.
And here are the logs of cronjob running result:
So the question is, the configmap is updated but why the workload doesn't effect?