I can only really give examples using "English" style numbering in an English language document - the image you posted suggested you are using Chinese and there may be differences.
Let's say you have mult-level numbering using 1., 2., 3. for level 1, i., ii., iii. for level 2 and (a), (b), (c) for Level 3, and you have
- Para 1
i. Para 1.1
(a) Para 1.1.1
(b) Para 1.1.2 ii. Para 1.2
(a) Para 1.2.1
(b) Para 1.2.2
- Para 2
i. Para 2.1
Now you want a cross reference to the number of Para 1.1.1 under Para 1.1.2, Para 1.2.2 and Para 2.1
This is what you end up with:
- Para 1
i. Para 1.1
(a) Para 1.1.1
(b) Para 1.1.2
XREF with Paragraph numbering: (a)
XREF with Paragraph numbering (no context): (a)
XREF with Paragraph numbering (full context): 1i(a)
ii. Para 1.2
(a) Para 1.2.1
(b) Para 1.2.2
XREF with Paragraph numbering: i(a)
XREF with Paragraph numbering (no context): (a)
XREF with Paragraph numbering (full context): 1i(a)
- Para 2
i. Para 2.1
XREF with Paragraph numbering: 1i(a)
XREF with Paragraph numbering (no context): (a)
XREF with Paragraph numbering (full context): 1i(a)
In other words
- the "no context" number is always the same no matter where you insert it but is ambiguous (except arguably under para 1.1.2)
- the "full context" number is always the same no matter where you insert it and is the least ambiguous
- the "Paragraph number" varies depending on where you insert it. Under para 1.1.2 the reader is supposed to realise that (a) means the (a) paragraph under the same Level 2 heading as the cross-reference itself. Under para 1.2.2 just having (a) would suggest to the reader that the reference was to para 1.2.1, so Word uses i(a) to indicate that it's actually to para 1.1.1. Similarly, under para 2.1 the reader needs the "full context" version of the reference, i.e. 1i(a) to work out what is being referenced.
If you have numbering like the following, where the paragraph numbers provide the full context anyway, the "Paragraph number", "Paragraph number (no context )" and Paragraph number (full context) references are all the same, e,g, a reference to the 1.1.1 para would always be "1.1.1"
- Level 1
1.1 Level 2
1.1.1 Level 3
Can you provide simple examples of what you are discussing in the paragraph starting with "There is also how to arrange the order"... ?