Right now I'm having an issue figuring out where the correct extent value for a textbox is stored. In the word document, for the textbox that contains the text "Standard", you will notice it has a height of 0.21" and a width of 0.74".
However, when I look in the document.xml for the same file, you will notice the extent for the width is set to 675640 emus (0.74") which is correct, however the extent for the height is set to 1404620 (1.53") which is very different.
I'm confused where the height of 0.21" is being saved as the extent in the document.xml seems to be very different than what is rendered in the document.
Thanks in advance,
Link To Example Document: https://windwardstudios.box.com/s/0h35idjz0tuif0sghs0a0rfkcqet1z8o