A program for evaluation of the binary to BCD conversion using successive rotation and C++ edition of the AN526 Microchip algorithm

USERPC01_Andrey Kras 1 Reputation point

My programs for evaluation of the binary to BCD conversion using successive rotation and C++ edition of the AN526 Microchip algorithm:
//For DevC++, may be translated into the VC++ (console).

    //A program  of the  Bin To BCD  subroutine evaluation  

     H       ;   T     ;  O          ;   B
      -        ;   -      ;  -            ;   1010 0010  ;  162
      -        ;   -      ;   xxx1    ;   010   0010  ;  <<#1
      -        ;   -      ;   xx10     ;   10   0010    ;  <<#2
      -        ;   -      ;   x101    ;  0   0010       ;  <<#3
      -        ;   -      ;   1000    ;                      ; add 3
      -        ;  xxx1 ;   0000    ;   0010           ;  <<#4
      -        ;  xx10   ;   0000    ;   010             ;<<#5
     -        ;   x100   ;   0000    ;   10               ;<<#6
     -        ;   x1000   ;  0001    ;   0                ;<<#7
     -        ;   1011   ;               ;                      ; add 3
     1       ;    0110   ;   0010  ;                       ;<<#8           
     1      ;     6         ;   2        ; 

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <stdint.h>
    //#include "stdafx.h"

     int main()

    uint16_t x;//=1023;

    uint8_t i;

     for (x=0;x<=1023;x++)

    // Successive rotation  

    uint8_t Th=0;
    uint8_t H=0;
    uint8_t T=0;
    uint8_t O=0;  

    for (i=0 ; i<=15 ; i++)  //to 7 for 

     // add 3 for columns >=5
    if(Th>=5) { Th+=3; } 
    if(H>=5) { H+=3; }   
    if(T>=5) { T+=3; } 
    if(O>=5) { O+=3; } 

      Th=0x0F&(Th<<1)| ((H>>3)&0x01);   //Th=0x0F&((Th<<1)|(H.bit3)//using low nibble mask of the byte after shifting right  and  
      H=0x0F&(H<<1)| ((T>>3)&0x01);     //H=0x0F&((H<<1)|(T.bit3) // using carry from  bit 3 of the previous digit to the bit0 
      T=0x0F&(T<<1)| ((O>>3)&0x01);     //T=0x0F&((T<<1)|(O.bit3) 
      O=(uint8_t)0x0F&(O<<1)|((x>>15-i )&0x01);    //  MSB to O.bit0 ,then MSB<<=1 or you can use carry of the PIC

    //printf ("\n x=%d ;   %d  %d % d %d   i=%d",(int)x,(int)Th, (int)H ,(int)O>>4 ,(int)O&0x0F   , (int)i );   


    printf ("\n x=%d ;   %d  %d % d %d   i=%d",(int)x,(int)Th, (int)H ,(int)T ,(int)O   , (int)i ); 
    return 0 ; 


//using AN526 ,C++ edition 

 //using  the Successive rotation algorithm and  modifyed  AN526 Microchip algorithm, translated  into C++ for alternative number of digits 
// //A program  of the  Bin To BCD  subroutine evaluation    

 H       ;   T     ;  O          ;   B
  -        ;   -      ;  -            ;   1010 0010  ;  162
  -        ;   -      ;   xxx1    ;   010   0010  ;  <<#1
  -        ;   -      ;   xx10     ;   10   0010    ;  <<#2
  -        ;   -      ;   x101    ;  0   0010       ;  <<#3
  -        ;   -      ;   1000    ;                      ; add 3
  -        ;  xxx1 ;   0000    ;   0010           ;  <<#4
  -        ;  xx10   ;   0000    ;   010             ;<<#5
 -        ;   x100   ;   0000    ;   10               ;<<#6
 -        ;   x1000   ;  0001    ;   0                ;<<#7
 -        ;   1011   ;               ;                      ; add 3
 1       ;    0110   ;   0010  ;                       ;<<#8           
 1      ;     6         ;   2        ; 
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <stdint.h>
//#include "stdafx.h"
uint8_t adjBCD(uint8_t r)
uint8_t tmp=r+0x03;
if(tmp&0x08) { r=tmp; }  // if (r+0x03)>7 (bit 3==1) r+=0x03 
if(tmp&0x80 ) {r =tmp ; } //bit7 , for packed if in the (r+0x03<<4 ) (bit 7==1) r+=0x03<<4 ; 
return r;   

uint8_t *  BinToBCD(uint16_t x  )

uint8_t count ; 
uint8_t R[3];
//clear Carry and use shift ing of x or load MSB of x to Carry without shifting, then use shifting after 

// Successive rotation      
for (count=16 ; count>0 ; count--)  //total 16 steps 
// add 3 for columns >=5 
if(Th>=5) { Th+=3; } 
if(H>=5) { H+=3; }   
if(T>=5) { T+=3; } 
if(O>=5) { O+=3; } 
   //  R[2]=adjBCD(R[2]);

  //R[2]= (R[2]<<1)|((R[1]>>7)&0x01);   //rlf r2
  R[1]= (R[1]<<1)|((R[0]>>7)&0x01);  // rlf r1,  R1= (H<<1)| ((R0>>3)&0x01); 
  R[0]= (R[0]<<1)|((x>>count-1)&0x01); //  use carry for x shifting   into the 
  //x=x<<1;  (shift left once  to load data into carry )
  Th=0x0F&(Th<<1)| ((H>>3)&0x01);   //Th=0x0F&((Th<<1)|(H.bit3)
  H=0x0F&(H<<1)| ((T>>3)&0x01);     //H=0x0F&((H<<1)|(T.bit3) 
  T=0x0F&(T<<1)| ((O>>3)&0x01);     //T=0x0F&((T<<1)|(O.bit3) 
  O=(uint8_t)0x0F&(O<<1)|((x>>15-i )&0x01);    //  MSB to O.bit0

 return R ; 

 int main()
uint16_t x; //=220;
 for (x=0; x<=1023 ;x++)
 uint8_t* R=BinToBCD(x );  //packed, use masks 
 printf ("\n x=%d ;   %d  %d % d %d   ",(int)x,(int)R[1]>>4, (int)R[1]&0x0f ,(int)R[0]>>4 ,(int)R[0] &0x0F  );   

return 0 ; 
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
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