@SujinaSJ-1789 Welcome to Microsoft Q & A Community Forum. I see you are trying to deploy log analytics extensions using Azure Policy. When a resource is deployed to or updated within a scope with assignment via Azure Resource Manager, REST API, or a supported SDK. In this scenario, the effect event (append, audit, deny, deploy) and compliant status information for the individual resource becomes available in the portal and SDKs around 15 minutes later. This event doesn't cause an evaluation of other resources.
You also mentioned remediation task hasn't shown any change in the resources. Can you please check the logs related to the resources which are deployed using remediation task? To view the logs, Go to the Policy Assignment and select Remediation Tab and click on the ellipses(...) icon and select View Remediation Task.
In Remediation Task page, scroll to the bottom and click on the ellipses(...) of a resource and select View Deployment.
This opens the deployment page, where you can click on red highlighted warning "Deployment failed. Click here for more details". This shows the error why the deployment failed. In my case, vm was in shut down mode.However, once I started the vm, the extension was deployed by creating remediation task.