Hello @feelsLikeHome2020 ,
I was thinking of writing a custom powershell script to get that data. Can you try out the below script. It will output the AKS Clustername,NumberOfPods on the screen.
$AllAKSClusters = Get-AzAks #Get All AKS Clusters List
$AksclusterAndPods=@{} #Hashtable to store the list
foreach($akscluster in $AllAKSClusters) #loop threugh each AKS cluster
$aksclustername = $akscluster.Name
$id = $akscluster.Id
$id = $id.Substring($id.IndexOf('resourcegroups')+15)
$aksresourcegroup = $id.Substring(0,$id.IndexOf('/')) #extract resource group
az aks get-credentials -g $aksresourcegroup -n $aksclustername #Set the context
$pods = (kubectl get pods -A) #get pods
$AksClusterAndPods.Add($aksclustername,$pods.Length) #add AKS clustername and number of pods
Write-Host "AKS Cluster Names and number of Pods"
foreach($key in $AksclusterAndPods.Keys)
$output = '{0},{1}' -f $key , $AksclusterAndPods[$key]
Write-Host $output