Filter for OU from a Groupmembership

Varughese Kochukalical Eappen 21 Reputation points

I am trying to remove inactive users from a Group. I am using lastlogontimestamp to identify inactivity.
I was able to make the same work using the below script.

Get-ADGroupMember Office365 | Get-ADUser -Properties lastLogonTimestamp | select @{N='LastLogon'; E={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($.LastLogontimestamp)}},samaccountname | Where-Object {$.lastLogon -lt $DateCutOff } | foreach { Remove-ADGroupMember Office365 -Members $_.samaccountname -Confirm:$false}

However now my requirement is that only inactive members from a specifc OU should be removed. Rest of the inactive user should remain in the group. I have tried using the search base command. When using the searchbase with Filter after the piping it lists out all users instead of all members of the group.

Get-ADGroupMember Office365 | Get-ADUser -Properties lastLogonTimestamp -Filter * -searchbase 'OU=DisabledUser,DC=federalbank,DC=co,DC=in' | select @{N='LastLogon'; E={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($.LastLogontimestamp)}},samaccountname | Where-Object {$.lastLogon -lt $DateCutOff } | foreach { Remove-ADGroupMember Office365 -Members $_.samaccountname -Confirm:$false}

I am not sure how to filter the results further for specific OU users.

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  1. Newbie Jones 1,331 Reputation points

    You can do this by updating the Where-Object client side filter.

    You currently have...

    Where-Object {$.lastLogon -lt $DateCutOff }

    Try the following..

    Where-Object {$.lastLogon -lt $DateCutOff -and $_.DistinguishedName -notlike "*OU=skip,OU=example,DC=example,DC=com"}

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  2. Newbie Jones 1,331 Reputation points

    The Where-Object client side filter should probably be before the select statement where you drop any extraneous attributes. DistinguishedName is part of the default attributes for Get-ADUser and you need this for the filter to work.

    On a side note, you can't really use lastLogon like that.

    LastLogin is not a replicated attribute, which means it can be different based on the domain controller that services that request. Therefore in order to get an accurate lastLogon, you need to query all of the domain controllers and get the newest date.

  3. Newbie Jones 1,331 Reputation points

    Here is a function you can use for LastLogon with a example.

    Function Get-LastLogon {
        Returns LastLogon information
        Queries the LastLogin information for a user across domain controllers and returns the highest (latest) value
        Get-LastLogon User
        Get-LastLogon -Identity User
        Get-ADUser User | Get-LastLogon
        Get-LastLogon User1, User2
        .PARAMETER users
        List of users - pipeline can be used
        [Parameter(Position= 0,
                            HelpMessage='What user would you like to find the last logon for?')]
        Begin {}
        Process {
            Foreach ($account in $identity) {
                $dateStamp = $null
                $domainController =$null
                # Using Filter to remove Azure domain controllers
                Get-ADDomainController -Filter {Site -eq "xyz"} | Foreach {
                    $dc = $_.HostName
                    $lastLogon = (Get-ADUser $account -Properties LastLogon -server $dc | Select-Object Name,@{n='LastLogon';e={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}}).Lastlogon
                    If ($dateStamp -le $lastlogon)
                        $dateStamp = $lastlogon
                        $domainController = $dc
                } # End of ForEach
                $properties = @{
                New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $properties
            } # End of ForEach
        } # End of Process
        End {}          
    } # End of Function
    $list = IMPORT-CSV 'users.csv'
    $list | ForEach {
        Get-ADUser $_.SamAccountName | Get-LastLogon | Select-Object Name, Lastlogon 
    } | Export-CSV LastLogon.csv -NoTypeInformation
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