Any 3rd party software used to auto-uninstall application?

Eaven HUANG 2,156 Reputation points

Dear Experts,

I found that some applications offer only silent install parameter but how we can uninstall it silently? some apps didn't come with uninstall silently option.

Microsoft Configuration Manager
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  1. Rahul Jindal [MVP] 9,791 Reputation points MVP

    Hi. It rarely happens that an installer will only support silent installation but not uninstallation. What is the name of the app? Is it an exe or msi?

  2. Amandayou-MSFT 11,061 Reputation points

    Hi @Eaven HUANG ,

    We just notice that the application is installed, and should detect what changed.

    ->1. Notice what is change in registry.

    For example, after installed qq, there will new key in registry, which located in Computer\HKEY_Local_Machine\software\WOW6432Node\Tencent
    So we just use following command:
    reg delete HKEY_Local_Machine....
    Here is the related article we could refer to:

    ->2. If the application is running, we should use kill-process to stop the process.

    ->3. Use the command rmdir to delete folders and their contents.
    For example: rmdir /q c:\pro\qq*

    And then we could deploy them to client using package.

    The above information is the general principles of uninstallation, whether it is .exe or msi, just for your reference.

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