How to configure AAD authentication for app service behind App Gateway if there are more than one web app that need the OAuth capability using the same App Gateway

Sampa 1 Reputation point


I need to interface multiple App Services, each one with AAD authentication, with a single Application Gateway.

Already went through below articles -

But, this works for a single App Service with custom domain mapped to the Application Gateway.

How to go about if I need to make use of a single Application Gateway with multiple App Services (each one with AAD auth) ?

Topology is, the App Gateway will be in Hub subscription. The non-production App Services will be inside non-production subscription inside sub-environments.

Your valuable suggestions will be very helpful to proceed here.

Thanks & Regards,

Azure Application Gateway
Azure Application Gateway
An Azure service that provides a platform-managed, scalable, and highly available application delivery controller as a service.
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