New RDS Collection, web access rpd link/file wrong?

Ben White 1 Reputation point

I've hit a unique one and am beating my head against the wall.

We have an existing RDS 2016 cluster (web access, licensing, HA brokers, multiple session host collections) that's been in production for a few years with minimal issues. we have 2012, 2016 and 2019 session host collections running on this cluster with no issues so far.

We're trying to set up a new collection and have run into an issue I can't find a similar issue anywhere.

New Dell R650, new clean install of Windows Server 2019 standard desktop, all updates run. (starting with just one)

When I create a new collection, and add the server to the collection. Everything reports success.

When I log into RDWebAccess and click on the shortcut to launch to the collection (download the file and launch RDP), the RDP file I get from webaccess is missing the actual FullAddress / URL to connect to the collection among a lot of things. The workspace ID is in there, but when comparing to the files for the other collections I am missing the Full Address, alternate full address, signscope and signature.

In addition we don't allow redirect printers or clipboards, the collection properties / UI show both of those as unchecked, but the file has them set as allowed ( :i:1 )

So far I've tried:
Rebooting the brokers / web access servers
Deleting the collection and recreating it with a different name - no effect
Deleting everything and Uninstalling RDSessionHost from the server, resetting up everything - no effect
Reinstall the SSL certificates used in the Cluster per a few online articles I found, Deleting everything and Uninstalling RDSessionHost from the server, resetting up everything - no effect
Removed everything, Reformatted the server, reinstalled the OS, re-ran all updates, reinstalled the certs on the cluster and rebuilt the collection - no effect

I'm rapidly running out of meaningful names to make up for this new collection and no matter what there doesn't seem to be an effect.
No errors reported in any event logs on the brokers / web access servers, or the new session host server.
Even making simple changes that should be reflected like checking and unchecking Allow redirect drives are not being reflected in the .rdp file.

Anyone ever heard of this or have any ideas?

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  1. Andrew Egan 0 Reputation points

    Hey Ben, I realise this might be a bit of a grave dig. I came across your post while researching a very similar issue, so i'm mostly posting this for posterity for other people later, in case other solutions don't work.

    In Server Manager > Remote Desktop Services > Overview

    Edit the Deployment Properties

    Go to Certificates

    Make sure your certificates are all up to date here on the broker!

    We have a farm with a couple of RDSH 2016, as well as CB, GW, RWA servers runing 2016. Deployed a new 2019 RDSH and could not get the collection firing up. Upgraded the CB to 2019, same problem

    It was only once i'd exhausted every other possible avenue that I re-looked at this.

    For clarity, our SSL certs are otherwise bound perfectly - no isues with end users logging in, accessing the RDWA/RDGW etc. It was just this which hadn't been updated in some time.

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