I am working on a project, when a new process is created I'll get notification.
as a result I'll receive the Process ID and Process name of the newly created process.
So, Is there any way to predict that a particular PID will create a Visible window
To make it more clear, Take this example:
- Firstly, when a process starts, I get the process name and process ID.
- If the process is user Invoked a Visible window will open and if it a System process it will work on the background.
Now let we see between step 1 and step 2, we get a process ID, with the help of this process ID can we predict that this process will create a user interactive window or not...??
- It is to be noted that the process is not yet started fully, so no visible window is created. so we cannot use Enumwindows to differentiate
- Say for example we debug line by line, so when a process starts we get the process ID, we debug to the next line, The process is not started fully. At this line can we programmatically find that this process will create a visible window or not.
I hope you understand my question, If not please State your query in the comments. I'll try it explain to the max