Direct Speech Line - Unespected conversation update event (and without locale property set)

Paolo Scomparin 51 Reputation points


we are developing an multilangue bot thru Direct Speech Line channel.
We are using the default client:

We note two strange beheaviors of the channel:

1) when the event ConversationUpdate is fired (at start of connection) the Bot not recognize the language that are set in the client, after the first message sended to the bot, the next messages are correctly localized. The problem is similar as this webchat channel issue -->

2) During the conversation the channel fire a ConversationUpdate (we don't understand why) also after few messages , also if a bot waits for a response (prompt question) from the user. Could be correct that the event ConversationUpdate fire due inactivity of the user, but not if there is an interaction going on.
This problem with the issiue of point 1) generate a situation like this:

client set in it-IT
(for convenience a write the message always in english, please refer to language code noted at the end of each sentence)

Channel: <ConversationUpdate >
Bot: hello [en-us] <-- the first one after the connection is always in english

... some interactions with the bot ...

User: let's check the weather [it-it]
Bot: Tell me the me your postal code [it-it]

Channel:<ConversationUpdate > <-- why happend ?

Bot: Tell me the me your postal code [en-us]
User: 123456
Bot: The wheather in your city is sunny [it-IT]

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