Unable to bind to secure LDAP - Invalid credentials

DK 1 Reputation point

We had an existing Azure AD from our O365 subscription, lets say domain abc.com. Now we are trying to extend it with Azure AD DS.

I followed this documentation to setup AADDS.

While setting up AADDS, I couldn't use the same domain name abc.com (it exceeded the limit of allowed characters). So, the domain on AADDS was set to something.else.xyz.com.

The domain something.else.xyz.com was added as secondary domain on Azure AD.

I am able to join Windows machine to the Azure AD DS and login with my credentials, user@jaswant .com.

Next, I set up secure LDAP using this documentation.

I am using ldp.exe for testing. I can connect to LDAP fine, but while trying to bind I keep getting the below error.

53 = ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_ENCRYPT, 1) res = ldap_bind_s(ld, NULL, &NtAuthIdentity, NEGOTIATE (1158)); // v.3 {NtAuthIdentity: User='user'; Pwd=<unavailable>; domain = 'abc.com'} Error <49>: ldap_bind_s() failed: Invalid Credentials. Server error: 80090346: LdapErr: DSID-0C090588, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 80090346, v2580 Error 0x80090346 Client's supplied SSPI channel bindings were incorrect.

I have tried changing the domain for the user. For both user@jaswant .com and user@something .else.xyz.com, I get the same error.

Please help resolve this issue.

Microsoft Entra
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  1. DK 1 Reputation point

    Any updates on this? Is there anything else that I can try?

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