Export-PnPFlows skipping flows

JuTrust 1 Reputation point

Hello! This is my first post, and I need some help.
I've been trying to export my tenant's Power Automate flows via Export-PnPFlow. I have a few hundred flows, so doing it by hand isn't really feasible.
The script works well enough for some flows, but is throwing an error for others, but I can't see why.
It does not seem to be caused by if it's enabled/disabled, owned by a certain user, or in/out of a solution.
The ones that work, work perfectly; the others give the following error:

Export-PnPFlow : {"error":{"code":"ConnectionAuthorizationFailed","message":"The caller object id is '8####-#####-####'. Connection '5#######-########-#######' to 'shared_logicflows' cannot be used to activate this flow, either because this is not a valid connection or because it is not a connection you have access permission for. Either replace the connection with a valid connection you can access or have the connection owner activate the flow, so the connection is shared with you in the context of this flow."}}
At line:1 char:101
... | foreach { Export-PnPFlow -Environment $_.Properties.EnvironmentDeta ...
CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Export-PnPFlow], HttpRequestException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException,PnP.PowerShell.Commands.PowerPlatform.PowerAutomate.ExportFlow

My question is, is it possible that these flows are deleted and that's why I get this error? If so, how can I check?
Code below.

Connect-PnPOnline -url https://########.sharepoint.com
 $environments = get-pnppowerplatformenvironment
 foreach($environment in $environments)
        $flows = Get-PnPFlow -Environment $environment -AsAdmin 
        foreach ($flow in $flows) 
                    $filename = $flow.Properties.DisplayName.Replace(" ", "")
                    $timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyymmddhhmmss"
                    $exportPath = "$($filename)_$($timestamp)"
                    $exportPath = $exportPath.Split([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'

                    Export-PnPFlow -Environment $environment -Identity $flow.Name | Out-File "C:\Users\jutrust\documents\$exportPath.json"
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