Use Access to report different conditions of a record across multiple sources

Zach Selvig 1 Reputation point

My organization is limited by permissions within our reporting system. The most basic explanation; document # exists on a report that I want to use as my source. I have 20 other reports that will display different error conditions and contain specific data only available on that particular report.
I have little to no experience with Access so please forgive my ignorance.
I would like to take the Doc# from the source report and have access, find matches across the other tables, then return specific fields associated with the match onto a summary type report/view.
Would someone be willing and able to teach me how to fish? I appreciate your time.

Access Development
Access Development
Access: A family of Microsoft relational database management systems designed for ease of use.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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