how I get the correct Meeting ID to pass to the GET OnlineMeetings API

ajay sahare 21 Reputation points

Hi I want to get online meetings data as per documentation when GET /me/onlineMeetings/


and when I hit end point GET /me/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl%20eq%20'{joinWebUrl}'


then I get meeting Id

but problem is that I am enter joinWebUrl manually from team ui you can see in image in below


how i get correct meeting ID without entering joinWebUrl in filter options

beause I want fetch all student all meeting attedndence data automatically

how i do that ??

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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  1. ShivaniRai-MSFT 2,726 Reputation points

    Hi @ajay sahare ,

    According to this documentation, this Graph API POST is used to create an online meeting.

    There are 2 ways to get the meeting information:

    • GET /communications/onlineMeetings/?$filter=VideoTeleconferenceId%20eq%20'{videoTeleconferenceId}'
    • GET /me/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl%20eq%20'{joinWebUrl}'

    So to get the meeting Id we have to use the above two methods only.

    Also, if you do not want to copy the joinWebUrl from the UI then you can use this event API GET to get the joinWebUrl property. Refer below example screenshot from Graph Explorer:


    Reference Document:

    Hope this helps.
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  1. 2023-02-07T13:03:37.55+00:00

    Hi @ShivaniRai-MSFT ,
    i need to get the Online meeting details.

    my doubt is which artifact we need to grant access and get the online meetings and attendance related API.

    like (Calendars.Read)


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