findMeetingTimes in MS Graph not returning all events for the period

Serhii Kondratiuk 26 Reputation points

I'm trying to get events for a period of two months in the future, but the actual results are less than two months. The furthest event that I get from MS Graph is about 1.2 months in the future

Changing maxCandidates also doesn't help

Request body

"attendees": [{
"type": "required",
"emailAddress": {
"address": "myuser@USER .com"
"timeConstraint": {
"activityDomain": "work",
"timeSlots": [{
"start": {
"dateTime": "2022-05-30 08:00:00",
"timeZone": "Central European Standard Time"
"end": {
"dateTime": "2022-07-29 22:59:59",
"timeZone": "Central European Standard Time"
"isOrganizerOptional": "true",
"meetingDuration": "PT60M",
"maxCandidates": 1000

Furthest response

"start": {
"dateTime": "2022-07-08T16:00:00.0000000",
"timeZone": "Central European Standard Time"
"end": {
"dateTime": "2022-07-08T17:00:00.0000000",
"timeZone": "Central European Standard Time"

So the furthest slot that I get from MS Graph is for 07-08 which isn't the furthest that I want to get from it (which is for 07-29)

Is findMeetingTimes limited to only 40 days? Can it be changed somehow in configuration? I can't find anything about it in the docs

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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Accepted answer
  1. HarmeetSingh7172 4,811 Reputation points

    Hi @Serhii Kondratiuk ,

    Based on my research, FindMeetingTimes graph API works in this way. This API will not return all the time slots between a given range. You can always check suggestionReason property in API response to know the reason.
    Currently, with available documentation there is no specific time period range given for findMeetingTimesAPI.
    However, if you want to know free/busy availability information for a collection of users, you can use GetSchedule graph API and for GetSchedule API the time period to look up must be less than 42 days.

    Documentation reference-

    Hope this helps.
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