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We usually use com_array<hstring> to pass parameters to and from Windows Runtime APIs instead of hstring[] when a String[] declared in an idl file. In addition, you do not need to manually write the prototype of the aaa method. The midl.exe > cppwinrt.exe tool chain will implement templates including the definition and declaration of aaa method in Generated Files(\Project-Name\RuntimeComponent\Generated Files\sources). For more information, you can refer to this document. You could also check the following steps:
First: Declare the String[] aaa(String[] v); in Class.idl of the component.
namespace RuntimeComponent
runtimeclass Class
Int32 MyProperty;
String[] aaa(String[] v);
Second: Save and build the project.
Third: Open the folder \Project-Name\RuntimeComponent\Generated Files\sources in your project folder, open the Class.h and Class.cpp files and copy the definition and declaration code of aaa into the component.
namespace winrt::RuntimeComponent::implementation
struct Class : ClassT<Class>
com_array<hstring> aaa(array_view<hstring const> v);
namespace winrt::RuntimeComponent::implementation
com_array<hstring> Class::aaa(array_view<hstring const> v)
throw hresult_not_implemented();
For more information about winrt::com_array struct template, you can refer to the document.